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Musicians Wanted

A friend of mine told me recently about a man that he knows who went through some dramatic struggles with a particularly maddening piece of the human condition. A very tragic, messy breakup can take even the brightest functioning person and turn them into a stupid, pathetic skin sack. This man was the victim of this kind of breakup. Not my friend understand, but the human male of my friend’s story. This poor guy was beaten about the head and neck by the baseball bat of unrequited, false love.

So the man did what many of us are guilty of and dusted off his old poetry and musical aspirations and decided to put a band together. The ad that he created to attract musicians to join him in this endeavor was, to be polite, ambitious to say the least. Even when you grade it on the curve of a mind thirsting for serotonin, this advertisement was so over the top, it would beat out that crappy Sly Stallone arm wrestling movie in any search engine’s results. It was an ad that touched on many of the depressingly tragic “musician wanted” ads that I have seen in my life of digging through papers and craigslist, and that is saying a great deal. I cannot hope to recreate how terribly perfect that ad was. None of what I have written below comes close, but it should give you a general idea of what kind of esoteric ego monster these ads are feeding.

A solid musician wanted ad should be quick and state all that is necessary to narrow the field down to what could amount to a phone call. It doesn’t need to be rich in detail or sell the reader a pack of dirty, filthy lies dressed as the answer to their rock star fantasies. It should read like this:

Bass player wanted

Bass player wanted for original rock band. Have good gear, enjoy all types of rock and roll. Call to see if it is a good fit.

On the phone, you can determine if the bass player is going to be the right person for the job or one of the many vacuously crispy freak flakes who inhabit the music world. There aren’t many ads placed like this.

Instead, you see ads that are put together by control freak band leaders. Worse still, an ad constructed at a “band meeting” with input from every member of the band, some dead serious, some funny, some trying to sound much, much cooler than they really are. Many ads go to great lengths to describe their sound using other bands. Sometimes it’s bands that they sound like. Other times it they use bands that they want to sound like. Maybe they just list bands to sound cool. I’m also convinced that some of the “influential bands” that are mentioned to describe the band’s sound don’t exist or are so obscure, that they might be referring to the advertisement of another band listed directly above the ad you’re reading… the ad for yet another group that is just forming.

I wish it wasn’t this dumb, but it is. Here are some samples of musician wanted ads that you may stumble across in local music publications.

Wanted for progressive rock project, one rhythm guitar player

No lead guitar skills are necessary. You should be a chameleon of rhythm guitar, making the root parts of the song come alive and masking the bass player’s mistakes (don’t worry, he’ll be gone once our PA speakers are paid off). Vocals are unnecessary unless you speak French, then they will be necessary for harmonies on a few Prog cover songs from France that we do from time to time. In addition to playing rhythm guitar, it would be great if you also played the piccolo for our “mini opera”. See our ad in this paper for “Part-time Prog Rock Piccolo Player” for more details. I would say our perfect candidate would be a cross between Steve Cropper, Dweezil Zappa, the dancing mannequin (with the guitar) from Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” video, and somebody that knows how to play the piccolo. Share band expenses. If you have a rehearsal space or house, that would be a positive for your chances. Call Jesse and leave a message to have the other Jesse call you back after his shift.

This is a classic over-reach ad. First of all, progressive rock has a worldwide fan base that could all stand comfortably next to each other on a regulation basketball court. The ad is insulting, egotistical and apparent that this group would best be characterized as a train wreck. It set’s unnecessary boundaries for the potential band member that sharing musical duties and taking a few solos is off limits. The odds that a prog rock guitarist plays a mean piccolo are a little on the “no” side too. And of course you have the ever present mix of “what we’re looking for”. Steve Cropper, the legendary rhythm guitarist of Booker T and the MGs, mixed with Dweezil Zappa, son of eccentric musical genius Frank Zappa and any kind of guitarist but rhythm. Cross those two particular guitarists and you have Stevie Ray Vaughn, and unfortunately he doesn’t play much anymore. Oh, and have your checkbook open when we bring all of our gear to your house for your audition. Just let Jesse know when he can bring the speakers by… no, the other Jesse.

Band of musicians needed

Singer and songwriter need guitar, bass, drums, horn section, backup singers, dancers and road crew needed for possible tour starting next week. Extremely herb friendly. Knowledge of playing in the keys of A, E, G and C (one song). No flakes! Owning a tour bus is a plus. Venue booking experience appreciated. Will eventually be paying gigs after a trial period.

This ad was clearly put together while the person was high. The key here is to identify what drugs the person was on when the person formed the ad. This person plays no instrument but refers to themself a “singer and songwriter.” This immediately rules out that they are high on marijuana. Don’t be fooled by the cleverly coded phrase “extremely herb friendly” either. There are different reasons why one would want pot heads in the band. First and foremost to take advantage of their generally complacent demeanor, not necessarily to partake in the “herb” (herb is another street name for the illegal substance known as cannabis or marijuana for those of you that needed to look it up… like I did). The ad is delusional about the timeline of organizing a tour to anyone but a person wound up on a stimulant, yet practical in thinking up the details of a road crew and taking advantage of pot heads. However, a horn section, backup singers and dancers suggests they are into creative forms of stimulation and in tune with mild hallucinogenic ideas. They also have no plans to pay anyone and will steal all the proceeds for themselves. But why the specific keys?

My analysis: A mid-twenties account executive while listening to the Dave Matthews Band, with a blood alcohol level of .09, did a moderate dose of cocaine for their height/weight/neuro-system. They then called a friend who was home after a rave and coming down off of an accidental low dose of ecstasy. The account executive dictated the ad copy to the tired rave person who injected their own horn section and backup dancer touch into the ad and submitted it to the music paper’s website in the early morning hours of Sunday. The music keys were added to look “legit”. The ad is real, however both people who put it together wouldn’t know what you’re talking about if you called them to audition… which you wouldn’t, because this whole situation smells of trouble and has more red flags than a Chinese parade.

These are fun, let’s do some more.

Keyboardist needed

Putting together an album comprised of only the specific notes from a 2006 era Nokia ringtone. I’ll provide the phone, you provide the music and keys. Label interest.

Yes, this happens. And although I wrote this ad as a joke, being a collector of terrible music, I would kind of like to hear this done. I might post this ad for real next week.


Trumpet player wanted for hard rock project. AC/DC, Skinny Puppy, Gwar and the Carpenters. Shows lined up already.

Short and concise yet as baffling as any others you might see. I understand why someone would want a trumpet for a hard rock project, but three of the influences have nary a trumpet in the mix. And another common phenomenon you see in music classified ads is the “one of these things is not like the other” scenario. The Carpenters + Gwar + trumpet = ear candy. Literally put candy in your ears until you cannot hear what this abomination would sound like. Yeah, that band doesn’t have any shows either, at least the kind that you’d want to play.

Drums and screamer wanted for an industrial/experimental/metal band

All the drummers in this city for “induperimetal” bands are lame excuses for the kind of drum abuse we crave. Hoping you have the feet to blast beat quad kicks all night long and can scream some harmonies that will prove otherwise. Baritone scream would be better than tenor or bass. Must have broken a cymbal in the last 666 hours, have tattoos covering 30% of your skin’s surface area of death or the macabre and have a master’s degree in music composition and performance from an accredited music school. Ph. D. Preferred. Rehearsals are held only on religious holidays, nights of full moons and equinoxes. No drinking in rehearsals, some of us are recovering. Please respect the last rule as a “deal breaker” even if your bass drums can wake the dead, which would totally be a plus.

I have to admit, I went out looking at more musician-wanted ads and upped my game a bit to write this one. I found that my original ad for a heavy metal drummer was too close to reality and I needed to push it a little further into the absurd. You may think that I went too far, but please continue reading until I provide you with proof that I have not.

DEDICATED bass player needed ASAP!

Working cover band seeks DEDICATED bass player with WORKING CAR to transport their OWN GEAR to IMPORTANT GIGS. Should be a TEAM PLAYER and know how to PLAY IN TUNE and CHANGE KEYS when you see me NOD AT YOU the bar BEFORE you need to CHANGE KEYS and not THE BAR I nod at you. Do you think you can handle that? Because Leon sure as hell couldn’t. Give us a call and let’s jam man. Must like to have fun and play for the love of it. We aren’t too particular.

This is an example of an ad that you see posted as revenge or motivation. Those last three sentences are just bait.


Indie melodic music expression is looking for a guitarist or whatever. Do NOT know how to play it. Bring it to the next show and make it make noise that fits the rest of the sounds you hear us making. Must not make eye contact with anyone or anything. Know when to be loud, soft and melodic. Do not wear anything anyone else in the band is wearing unless you think it is ironic. Bands name is Whisper Mauve but don’t tell ANYONE ever. Influences are Blender, Goat, Barrel Rolling, Dog on a Metal Roof, Mary Scratching, Liquid Crash and Wings.

Oh, how many times did I sit through this band before playing in my band? How many times did I play between two of these bands? You’re free to guess but the answer is more than 100 and less than 300,000. This band is and has been the bane of songwriters for years. The urban street hipster made the band famous by accidentally watching the band fail and then not wanting to let anyone know they were wrong. It’s the perpetual lie that is told to the hipster and to the band that I refer to as the “circle of suck”. The “band” plays crap nobody would ever listen to and the hipster buys the album because nobody else has it. Then other hipsters secretly buy the album, making the band feel like what they are doing is important. The band charges more for their shows, so managers think they are getting big. Then the band goes mainstream because of hipster street cred and the masses buy the band’s albums thinking they are now part of the cool crowd. Now the original hipsters, seeing the band go mainstream can finally call the band what they really were in the first place, “crap”. For examples, see the bands Modest Mouse and Radiohead. Yeah, I said it, Radiohead. I know they suck because I have one of their albums. I’m listening to it RIGHT NOW.

By the way, the influences of the hipster band are not other influential bands, but noises they want to sound like, with the exception of Wings, which is on the list as a VERY ironic joke. …also the sound of flapping wings.

Now that you have read my fabrications of musician classified ads, I’m going to share with you a real one that appeared in the Seattle alternative newspaper known as The Stranger. I touched nothing. I only wanted to shield the writer a bit. I do hope they find what they are looking for and that you will respect their privacy. Honestly, this is the first ad I clicked on. I did not go looking for anything. Behold:

Keyboardist/Soundscape artist sought by an experimental rock band.

We are an organic, experimental rock band, seeking a keyboardist/soundscape artist, who will use atmospheres, samples, soundscapes and loops to augment and bolster our music, as well as creating harsh, piercing and haunting sounds with the keyboard.

You will be working alongside me to find and contribute source material via field recordings and sampled sounds from ordinary/everyday life, manipulated by software to produce new and odd sounds to weave into, out of, and around the music.

An avant-garde/industrial background is appreciated, but not entirely necessary. A willingness to adapt and learn works best.

Among a myriad of influences, the notable ones are: Swans, Black Flag, Neurosis, Big Black, SPK, Pigface, Jarboe, Diamanda Galas, The Body Lovers/Body Haters, Killing Joke, Laibach, Black Sabbath, Savage Republic, Throbbing Gristle, Head of David, Arsenal, Scorn, Coil, Autumn Fair, Birthday Party, Faust, Godflesh, Suicide, DNA, Mars, a mess of hardcore punk, No-Wave, post-punk and metal bands, and many more.

There are elements of many sub-genres of rock music in our material, as well as many non-rock influences. Based on this, I expect to build on a naturally evolving sound.

I ask that you have no drug habits or issues, and that you can transport yourself and your equipment to and from practice with ease. We have a practice that is in a secure facility with 24/7 access. We require that you are able to pay your portion of the rent.

I only wish I could have written this myself.

I also sincerely hope that this group finds what they need to produce exactly what they want to do and I hope it makes them happy. Seriously, because it is hard to define your art and find the right people to blend with you. Good luck and I hope you find someone.

I’ve had my own brushes with meeting musicians in this manner, none positive. Maybe one could be considered positive, but I did the answering and not the searching. Every time I was involved in seeking musicians through these music classified ads, at least one awful rehearsal made me hate music to the point of wishing to be struck deaf.

The band I was in several years ago lost a bass player to the Lord. He didn’t die, he just wanted to spend more time with God, which we were fine with and we are glad he is happy and loved playing music with him very much. That being said, we lost a third of the band and it was a tough hole to fill. So we put an ad in the paper and on the interwebs to start our search. The candidates were not what we were looking for, despite having been rather specific in the ad and on the phone about what we WERE looking for. I won’t take you through all the candidates, but I will take you through two.

Candidate One shows up late to the rehearsal carrying his bass guitar and what he was using for an amplifier. Usually amplifiers come in their own special boxes because they have specific sounds they have to create. They have a speaker or speakers built for volume and frequency and they have a power source that translates the electricity into volume, depending on how big the power source is. Amplifiers are incredibly important to a musician’s sound and some players search for decades before they find the right amplifier that has the tone and power they want and need to define their particular sound.

Candidate One’s amplifier consisted of two bookshelf speakers and a stereo receiver with a record player turntable on it. “It sounds good” said Candidate One.

No it didn’t.

Candidate Two comes in to our practice space with his bass and amp and sets up near us. He seems nice enough. Now my band at the time was an established group with a catalog of about twenty-five to thirty songs that are original and several well-known cover songs and a couple albums to our credit. We asked if he wanted to start with a cover song that he might know but instead he said he would prefer to dive right in to one of our original songs. So we give him the structure of the song and start playing it with him.

Well, it’s understandable to be all over the place on a song you don’t know, but when our guitarist and singer (the guy who wrote the song) started to try to correct the young man playing bass, the bass player just frowned and yelled over the clashing music, “yeah, I got it, I got it!” uncomfortable right? Not as uncomfortable as what happened next.

The kid turned up and began nodding at us that he was getting it and looking kind of excited. He was playing a lot of notes and only a few worked in the key we were in and none were at the same tempo as the guitarist and I. As he nodded and looked confident, the guitarist and I shook our heads at each other, completely under this kids ego spell and unable to stop playing our song while he played his. Then the bass player grabbed the microphone stand away from the guitarist, who was using it to sing, you know, a song this kid has never heard before.

The bass player doesn’t stop playing the bass but starts singing new words to the two different songs that are now being played at the same time. The look on the guitarists face was of complete shock and I could see that he was quite put out by what just happened, yet not put out enough to quit playing the song that the two of us were still playing. The guitar player just kept playing and singing THE ACTUAL SONG and the auditioning bass player just kept playing and singing whatever was going on in his troubled mind.

When the two songs ended (ours first and then the auditioning bass player’s song about a minute and a half later), the kid was completely chuffed. “That was awesome!” he said quietly but believing every word. He looked more surprised when we said he had to go than the singer did when the microphone was pulled from his face. I was afraid of how a kid with that much confidence would drive an automobile, just using any flat surface to get wherever he was going or trying to routinely jump a draw bridge. That kid is either in jail now or dead.

We ended up finding the perfect bass player in the music shop where I worked and she became an incredibly important part of our band. She could really play and never plugged in to a home stereo unit for amplification. Not. Once.

I realize this may have been less than interesting to many of you, but I felt I owed it to myself to talk some of this out of my system. It’s a little music geeky to make fun of these ads, but they do sometimes serve the purpose for which they are written. If these ads show us anything, it is that music is incredibly emotionally charged. Looking for a partnership to create an artistic vision is spectacularly difficult to relate in words on a page and possibly harder to do without making a complete fool out of yourself, me included. I am not exempt here. The ad we put in for a bass player was probably just a dorky as the ones I made up today.

So when a musician mentions that they are having a tough time finding someone to play with, pity them. Run through your mental rolodex of musician friends and try to set this poor soul up on a musical blind date. It’s very hard to find an audio match with another player but when it happens… it is magical and that’s the Damm truth.

Everybody is a Critic

I use my iPhone all the time. I realize it is annoying, I really do. I used to counter any complaints I got for my lack of attention or rudeness of not put down the device and engage other humans with the fact that I was constantly bringing in new data that would benefit the group. I was answering the very questions the group may have been talking about: “Which country does that flag belong to?” or “Did the Hardy Boys ever do a TV cross-over with The Incredible Hulk?” (The answers were Trinidad and no, respectively in case you were wondering.) Questions were answered immediately that only fifteen years ago would have taken 15 minutes and 20 years agotaken maybe three days and involved the Dewey Decimal System. Amazing, yet still annoying to have that kind of information available to gather anytime, anywhere.

One type of information now instantly accessible to all that started out as a good idea was the customer review. A customer like you or I can now sample a business, product or service and write a simple review of how well said business, product or service was received. Now another person could read that review and have additional criteria from which to judge the business, product or service and make a better informed decision on how to spend their hard earned cash. The best part is that ANYONE can write these reviews, meaning that the business owner, product maker or service provider needs to step it up because there are eyes everywhere with the ability to build or break the business, product or service provided. The worst part is that ANYONE can write these reviews, meaning that the business owner, product maker or service provider is now at the mercy of any clown with access to a keyboard and the cognitive ability to form sentences.

It used to be great. Places of business that have been reviewed online usually have stars (usually 1-5 with 5 being the best) by them to indicate how people have rated the establishment or service. I would skim how many stars different eateries received before deciding where to go to eat. Or how many stars a review of a hotel had before I booked a stay. Easy right? But it turns out that there’s more to it. I started looking deeper at these reviews. Upon closer inspection, one would find a shady underworld of terrible opinions and a lack of all reason and knowledge. You’ve heard that opinions cannot be wrong because they are the feelings of a person and feelings can’t be wrong. Well, it turns out that whoever said that was wrong too. Opinions on these review sites can be and are frequently wrong.

Here are a few fake reviews based on ones I’ve actually seen. I’m not going to post actual reviews, but I’m going to come shockingly close to the truth here. These are not reviews I personally have written for places but reviews I’m simply re-creating from what I’ve seen. Shall we start with hotels?

“We had the greatest stay that we have ever had at a hotel here. Complimentary massages for my wife and I, and a gorgeous view of the Pacific Ocean. We slept like logs and were very comfortable in our clean room with clean beds. I asked the clerk what kind of mattresses they use so that I can buy one for our house we were so comfortable!” Two out of five stars.

Yes, this happens. The reviewer apparently doesn’t have the heart to say why they gave the room two out of five stars. Maybe they figured they would be fair by writing a glowing review but making their discomfort heard by taking some stars off. Either way, I don’t know what to think. Also, I’m pretty sure you can’t see the Pacific Ocean from Denver.

“Room was fine I guess. Funeral.” One out of five stars.

Sorry you were there for a funeral. Also, I’m sorry you took the time to write a review saying the room was fine but used the travel site’s rating system to let the world know how bummed you are. For your next round of ineffective therapy might I suggest rating Netflix offerings based on how you feel you were treated in Junior High?

“This hotel has drugs everywhere!” One out of five stars.


“This hotel has drugs everywhere!” Five out of Five stars.

Also understandable

“This hotel doesn’t allow bigger dogs! I heard from my friend that it did and it doesn’t! I was furious, but they kept telling me it was their policy and I couldn’t bring in my dogs! If I could give this hotel less than one star, I would!” One out of five stars.

So now a perfectly good hotel suffers because your friend doesn’t know the hotel’s pet policy and you are incapable of calling ahead? This happens all the time.

“Not the best place I’ve stayed. The room service wasn’t great and it smelled a little musty. I liked the soap though. The soap was really nice and they had two bars. I used one and took the other bar to my house to use when guests come over. THANKS FOR THE SOAP!” Five out of Five stars.

They really liked the soap.

“This hotel is the nastiest dump on I-70 and probably has an award to prove it. Every time I pass it though, I remember how my wife and I stayed there thirty years ago on our wedding night. By round three, I didn’t even care that we were being taped secretly by the manager. That hotel was the Four Seasons to us as we both lost our virtue there. We didn’t care how nasty the place was, it was where she became a woman and I a man. The only reason I’m giving it four out of five stars is that my wife is dead now and we can’t relive that fond memory. At least she can’t.” Four out of five stars

This kind of story is all too common in reviews. You get absolutely no information on what the place is like but terrible, terrible detail of everything you don’t want to know.

“This hotel has no door knobs.” One out of five stars.

I probably wrote that last one.

That is the kind of junk you encounter for hotels. If you skim by just star value, you aren’t getting the story. The same holds true for restaurant reviews, though these places are usually mom and pop places that get kicked around by the public’s lack of food knowledge. One recipe brought over from another country, protected and loved by generations could be skewered by some jerk with a blackberry because he ordered something he knew he was allergic to. Here’s a sample of very realistic restaurant reviews that you may see online.

“Yuck!” Three out of five stars

So eloquent and refined, using a single word to not explain why you knocked two stars off of a score that any normal person would associate with a failing single star.

“I love this place but I can never find a parking space because it is located on a street. I wish it was at the mall, but the food is awesome.” Two out of Five stars.

This is a common theme in these restaurant reviews. The excellent food is given a poor grade because the reviewer can’t find a parking spot. In reality there were probably several spots open, as their spouse probably pointed out, but the reviewer just doesn’t feel like parallel PARKING RIGHT NOW, OKAY?!?!

“This is where I caught my ex-wife practically administering CPR to my boss in broad daylight. You know what? I bet she wanted me to catch her too. She knows I love the duck here because it is the most authentic Szechuan in town and I get it on Wednesdays after racquetball. Ughhh! His hands were all over her. She doesn’t even like Szechuan! I was the one who introduced that restaurant to my boss in the first place! I can’t see this place anymore. I want it closed down.” Two out of five stars.

Probably wanted it to close down so he gave it a bad score but added a star in respect for how good the duck is/was (I hear the place is out of business now and will soon be either a Panera Bread or a Starbucks).

“Best Pizza in town. Period.” Three out of five stars.

This guy is either from New York or Chicago and the pizza joint isn’t in either of those places.

“Everybody told me this was the nicest restaurant in the city and I had reservations for a week to get in. Then they told me they don’t have a grilled cheese sandwich on the menu. I asked if they have bread and cheese and they said “yes”. So make me a GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH! Sheesh! Nicest restaurant in town and I had to tell them how to cook a grilled cheese sandwich? When it came out, it totally sucked. The cheese was white and it was on French bread. My mom used to cut the crusts off for me, but you can’t cut the crust off of French bread because all of French bread is the crust. Me and Ricky are never coming back here again! Don’t go there! They can’t even cook the simplest sandwich in the world.” Five out of five stars.

This last one is typical of the types of reviews you see from people who just want their food made a certain way and don’t understand that food is made in different ways. Restaurants are lost on these folks but if they get a chance to review something and someone else will read it, by golly their incoherent ramblings will be heard! No rhythm or rhyme to how the stars fly either. Who is Ricky?

So if you’re in a new place and you’re looking to find a good place to stay or eat, unfortunately going online isn’t going to be much help. Perhaps you can gauge a little, but not if you’re dealing with the general public. You need to find a trusted source for such things if you go online. Lately I’ve just been asking people around town for advice and that tends to work. At least I can look in their eyes and see if they are crazy.

Unfortunately the general public can be trusted with very little. Bathrooms, hitchhiking, and now online open-forum reviewing have all been ruined by people who just don’t have enough self-control, and that’s the Damm truth.

Witnessing Greatness

Life is beautiful and life is tremendous. There are unlimited experiences out there if you are willing to participate even at the least possible level such as simply using your five senses (six for my clairvoyant friends) to experience wonderfulness. Hear a child laughing, feel a cashmere sweater (with permission, sleeve only), or watch a butterfly stretch it’s beautifully patterned wings across your windshield.

(I’m not smoking grass by the way. I just proved that I’m not smoking grass by referring to the action as “smoking grass”. Nobody that smokes grass calls it smoking grass, so I’m not stoned, which is a term also not used much anymore. I’m high on life… Proof number 3.)

There are amazing things everywhere. However, sometimes a spectacle is more, much more than just a forgotten pleasant moment amid a sea of sensatory data washing around in your gray matter. Sometimes you experience a scene that immediately embeds in your mind’s greatest hits real and remains in your quick access memory cache to speak about whenever the opportunity presents itself. I would like to share with you an experience I saw that occurred in front of me in the tempered town of Tacoma.

You need to know that it was a beautiful spring afternoon. I had left work to drive down to have a big family dinner at a factory that makes spaghetti and does so with a trolley car actually in the building. That’s wacky because trolley cars are supposed to be OUTSIDE, not INSIDE and how does a trolley help make spaghetti? Who knows? Sorry for the digression. I was going to dinner in Tacoma with Wendy’s family.

As usual when I drive to Tacoma, I take the wrong exit/street/route/bridge or whatever and this particular day was no exception. I plan for this with 10 extra minutes built into the schedule so there is no stress, and I wasn’t stressed on this particular day. I didn’t know I was going to see a thing so mind boggling that I would remember it forever. It was unexpected and horrific and beautiful and when the moment had passed, I was weeping tears of joy and laughter.

I turned my car onto a main drag of Tacoma through the middle of town lined with shops at the bottom of bulky older brick and concrete buildings. I knew I had about 7 or eight blocks of this street to drive down before I would turn again to get me to the one-way street that the pasta manufacturing plant was on. As I began down the straightaway the spectacle began.

A young man, early twenties, riding an 80’s era battered BMX bicycle pulled directly in front of my car causing me to pump the brakes. He immediately lifted his front wheel into the air and held his speed and angle while hovering over the seatless rear of the bike. He was wearing only sneakers and baggy jeans, no shirt. In fact it looked like he hadn’t worn a shirt in four months. He was overly tan and burned in some spots of his upper body with a tattoo here and there. I didn’t see his face right away so I couldn’t read his motivation, but whatever it was, it certainly WASN’T to stay alive because he just pulled out in front of traffic without a care in the world.

My first instinct was to honk my horn, but that may have scared him and make him lose balance and fall in front of my wheels. So I simply backed off of him and gave him some space. His wheelie continued.

The wheelie trick of keeping your front wheel off the ground for an extended amount of time is a skill that is useful for… for… it is not a useful skill. It is however, rather difficult to do for more than a few pumps of the pedals without pulling back to far or aborting back to the more sensible two-tires-on-the-ground approach. This skill should not be confused with riding a unicycle. They are very different. The Unicycle has a center of gravity directly below the person on the wheel. A wheelie involves trigonometry, physics and the ability to reach into your heart like a Buddhist monk and produce a feeling of one-ness with the frame and useless front tire of the wheelie bicycle. It defies the design of the bike, fights the natural order of the cosmos and has no reason for being. A unicycle is simply what happens when an inventor refuses to believe that their design doesn’t make any sense and spends thirty hours learning to balance on a circle to prove its relevance. Unicycles don’t impress people because everyone EXPECTS them to be difficult, but the bicycle wheelie is doing something completely unexpected by design and thumbing its nose at order and wisdom. The same principle made Fonzie cool.

My anger turned to interest when the man had held the front wheel up for more than 60 feet, then 100. I figured he would land it in a moment and I would get around him at the traffic light. Except, it didn’t end at the end of the street, he had the green light and he methodically kept his speed and angle constant and we slowly went through the intersection together without incident. Impressive.

I was rooting for the kid now. I didn’t think he could keep it up much longer, it takes upper and lower body strength to exercise that kind of control. I mean, he was balancing on the wonders of the universe with this bike. He had found the harmonious point where inertia meets gravity meets drag meets angle and he was THERE man. The young man was in the zone. I could see him making it all the way to the end of the second block if he so desired, and he did desire. Looking at him, I could see the adversity he would have to overcome.

His particular adversity happened to be his pants falling down. That made the situation hopeless as he attempted to keep that delicate balance while working against the pants slipping down lower and lower on his legs, limiting his range of movement. Complicating the issue was the fact that the young man had either forgotten or neglected to select underwear to go with the complicated ensemble of pants and shoes. Believe it or not, this is the first time I had seen the menace of crack in Tacoma. But this didn’t stop him.

The biker/magician made it through the second green traffic light, modifying his gate and keeping his eyes on the prize. The complicated web of decisions going on in this man’s brain must have been staggering; an unbelievable amount of balance, speed and control mixed with changing conditions, danger, hope, math, breathing, strength and now the addition of shame and fear of exposing his nether regions. Sacrificing his self respect for one epic, pointless bicycle trick the young man pedaled on through a third green traffic light.

By now I was ready to hoist this man on my shoulders and celebrate him through the streets of Tacoma. I gave him extra space as I crept behind him in my car, blocking the line of angry cars behind me who could not see the inspiring event happening mere feet from their swearing and impatience. I wanted to reach for my cell phone camera, but decided against it in fear that I would run over the very person I hoped to immortalize. I drank in every second and never wanted it to end. It had to end though, but what else could I do to help him?

At the fourth green light, I was hit by a thought: Did he will the traffic lights Green or was he given the go ahead from upstairs? Was God manipulating the street lights? Did this Miracle-of-the-Wheelie prove the existence of God? Yes, yes it did. And now with his pants down exposing as much as they did, I realized people watching this from the front were now free to speculate on what religion this man was using rarely exposed information. From the rear, it was just a sideways smile staring at me saying, “I got this.”

His legs were slowing and must have been pumping on sheer determination. The wheel dipped slightly but did not touch the ground. I found myself screaming in the closed cockpit of my car, like some super fan at their team’s playoff game played in honor of the mascot who had tragically died the day before. I was going nuts in there. “COME ON YOU BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING KID! YOU CAN DO IT! GO GO GO GO!” He might have heard me, might not have. I’m not going to take credit for what happened next.

The wheel rose as the fifth red light changed to green only feet from this young man’s rear tire reaching the second stripe of the cross walk. One more block, one more shot of greatness, one more chance of being backed over by someone pulling out of their angle parking space. If I had an EMP device that I could disable ever car and electric device in a 10 mile radius, I would have set it off without question then and there to buy this kid an extra 50 yards. Luckily, or perhaps with divine intervention, the kid didn’t need it.

Pants at his knees, the shirtless daredevil stomped on both sides of his bicycle frame. Both hands tight on the handlebars and now weaving slightly from side to side, he put everything he had into the bike. This would be the part of the movie where the camera would focus on a tear struggling to stay in the eyelids of his determined face. A boys choir would hold a single falsetto note as the camera shifted to the feet losing balance on ill repaired pedals and a slightly rusted gear sprocket and chain. There would be no shot of the gratuitous nudity appearing only 12 inches above. Because even though the bare-butt funniness would be laughed about later, the moment was never about the indignity. It was a moment that was like the end of Rudy and Brian’s Song and when Han Solo fly’s in to blast away the fighters trained on Luke Skywalker as he blew up the Death Star all rolled into one fantastically real moment in time. This unknown young man was creating a thing of beauty, a moment that will inspire me for years to come, and hopefully through this blog others and future generations who will hear his story.

He was at the end of the block and the stale green traffic light turned to yellow and then to red as we neared the end. “It’s okay kid! You did it! You beat them all!” I cheered. I was filled with joy, filled to the top. “Just land it and pull up your damn pants before that cop on the corner sees your junk!” Again, I’m sure he couldn’t hear me as the pounding of his heart channeled through the blood vessels in his brain must have been deafening. His pants dropped below his knees and the young marvel veered hard to the right.

He landed the front wheel hard in the last angle parking stall reserved for motorcycles. With his pants around his calves he struggled to put on the brakes of the bike and not plant his bare naked posterior on the harsh, seatless bike frame. The bike stopped and lay with its rear wheel spinning on the pavement and the young man put his feet firmly on the ground. The police officer and several onlookers a few yards away on the corner were distracted with the walk/don’t walk sign to the 7th block, and this gave the skinny kid a chance to cover up his shame.

In one fluid move, he reached down with one hand and yanked his big jeans up his body as he thrust one triumphant fist into the sky. I could hear him cry out with the pain and pleasure of a man who had just peaked. Peaked at the top of a mountain, yes, but I hoped it wasn’t the peak of his life. I hoped this would show him a path to success and that he could do anything if he put his mind to it. It was a primal scream that echoed off the downtown Tacoma buildings and attracted the attention of the police officer on the corner who shot him a look of, “What’s this meth addict yelling about?”

I moved my car slowly around the young man covering himself and laughing jubilantly through panting gasps of air and I pumped my fist in solidarity with him and yelled incoherently at him for I had not the words to express the emotions passing through my heart. I was visibly upset, in a good way, and tears streamed down my cheeks. He probably thought I was angry at him for making me drive seven miles an hour behind him for six blocks.

It was my right turn to get to my destination, and I took the free right against the red light to allow the backup of cars behind me to go about their business at a normal speed. I wanted to park and relive the moment with him, possibly buy him a sandwich and a pair of underpants. But I wanted him to know that someone was with him and appreciated the greatness of what had just happened. I was it. I was the only other person who saw the entire thing and if I could download my memory of it so that he could keep it forever, I would.

I want to go back to that corner and fix a large copper plaque to the cement at the cross walk that might read:

On a warm Spring day in 2006, an unknown, three-quarters naked man did the impossible with only a broken bicycle and an iron will. He rode six blocks on one wheel through rush hour traffic. He dreamed the impossible and created a spectacle of beauty and a life worth living.

Things of beauty and inspiration come in all shapes and sizes. This was certainly unconventional, unexpected and a surprise to be sure. Then again, most beautiful things are, and that’s the Damm truth.

Bad Haircut

I have a love/hate relationship with my hair…

Holy Cow! How many Cosmo op-ed pieces began with THAT sentence?

I’m starting over.

I tolerate getting my haircut, and I don’t tolerate it much. I’ve had fancy haircuts, barber shop haircuts, and anything in between, which is a lot.

The best haircuts were by my mom. Although, to keep children from squirming, she used to show them a “box of ears” that she had collected of little kids that didn’t know when to sit still, and with an unfortunate lop, ended up as a terrible trophy under my mother’s bathroom sink. I’m pretty sure it was just dried peaches with some food coloring and corn syrup… pretty sure. Anyway, I still have my ears and my mom always cut my hair right.

Traci cut my hair in college and her haircuts made me dateable. Those haircuts got me to second base more than the ground-rule double. (I only hit maybe three of those in my baseball career.) TMI and probably not true.

My Friend Tara is a gifted hairsmith and can make me look like a million bucks, but although she has cut the likes of Jeff Bezos’ hair, I can’t get her to take a dime from me because she’s so sweet. I don’t feel right about a free haircut (other than mom’s). I don’t know what it is, but I feel it’s her craft and she should spend her snipping time with people that pay her for her tremendous talent.

Talent to cut hair? Absolutely! After today, I believe it is a gift from the heavens to be able to cut hair. Many can do it, maybe even well, but there are a few that are either fantastic or fantastically bad.

If Tara is the Yin of cutting hair, today I met the Yang.

I walked in to the shop that typically cuts the family’s hair. Since Wendy and Zach are out of town, the workers typically ask how they are doing. They KNOW us there. It’s nice to have people that cut our hair. Wendy uses either of two stylists and when Zach and I get our hair cut, it’s by whoever is on deck and in the hole. There’s a system they have for walk-ins, which is what Zach and I typically are. Nobody fights over who gets to give US a haircut, but money is money and neither of us have head lice… often.

Today, it was empty with the exception of a new stylist who was texting away at her station and she looked up to see what had made the bell go off. I had never seen her before and I looked around for any of the six others that normally work there but nobody was to be seen. She asked if I had an appointment and when I told her I did not, she jumped up excitedly and walked over to check me in. She was younger, early twenties maybe, seemed nice but had an undefined look about her locks that made my curiosity sensors beep.

I have understood that many craftspeople that do excellent work for others neglect their very craft when it comes to themselves. I’ve been to contractor’s houses that are unfinished, because at the end of the day of building and improving other people’s homes, they just didn’t have it in them to complete their own project at home. I get that. I understand how a person can pour their heart into their work for others and neglect themselves. I took the fact that this young lady’s hair looked like a half-mown Texas lawn in August as a sign of a true artist. One who would explode out of Kent, Washington in just a matter of weeks as she pushed the boundaries of what hairstyles could accomplish. I figured I was in for a treat.

She sat me down in the chair, put the cape on me and asked me what I wanted.

What I typically get is a very simple cut. I get clippers on top and on the sides. I get it very short on the sides, a little longer on top, fade it, cut the seven or eight legs off the spider mole I have on my neck and we are DONE! It’s been done well in 7 minutes, the average is probably nine. This is probably the haircut I will have until my death. Depressing I know, but we can discuss this another time.

It was about that time that one of my regular cutters came out of the break room. We’ll call her Britni. Britni asked how Zach and Wendy were doing and when the last time I saw them was. Then I guess the new stylist looked confused, because Britni told her again, what I normally get without being asked. She didn’t do it in a pushy, mean or aggressive way at all. Instead, her voice had a pinch of concern that maybe not all the instructions had been absorbed by the young hair artist that was about to go to work on my head.

She excused herself and said she had to go find the right guards for the clippers. Why weren’t they at her station? Odd, but maybe I was the first person she had seen that day. No matter! I would be walking out of there looking like a king in 7-10 minutes.

The young stylist came back and looked around for a place to plug the clippers in. Then she attached the guard to the clippers and looked for the switch. It’s a hand-held power tool, the switch is going to be touchable by at least one outstretched digit, you shouldn’t have to chase it around the device like it’s a scared squirrell.

Good lord, she didn’t know how to start. She didn’t start at the base of my neck, she started to clip in the middle of the zone that she was to cut with that particular blade. Her movements were random. I couldn’t keep track of what she had cut and what she had missed. This haircut, and every other haircut I have ever received has started and ended in more or less the same way. Move around the head so you get everything and stop when it is shorter. Not this one. I think eventually, she gave up on the shorter guard and just felt like moving to the bigger one.

This time she started on top of my head and moved it around like a kid taking a lawn mower to the front yard for the very first time. No pattern, just moving it around, back and forth. I took my eyes off the clippers for a minute and watched the young lady’s face and the utter confusion of what she was doing. I wondered, seriously wondered how many haircuts this woman had done. Was I in the top 100? 20? The way she kept looking at my head and the clippers gave me the sinking impression that it was probably in the single digits. Then she asked me what she should do to fade the shorter bits into the longer bits.

When I play drums for people, I don’t ask the audience, “So, for this song, should I play some hi-hat or just play quarter notes on the floor-tom?” Do you know why? BECAUSE I’M THE DRUMMER!

So I calmly suggested that we ask Britni, who was sitting across the floor, secretly videoing the whole thing with her phone to post to Youtube (Insert link here). Britni gave a quick explanation of how scissors and a comb are used (exactly as I said it). This literally happened while I was mid-haircut, the stylist… you know what? I’m not calling her a stylist anymore. She’s not a stylist. She’s probably an amazing mathematician, gymnast, logger, bicycle mechanic, shepherd, orange juicer, police officer, nuclear physicist, rugby player or lord knows what, but she shouldn’t be around hair. Britni is a stylist and a darn good’un. This young woman is a cutter-of-hair, only because by definition, hair was cut by her hand.

Oh Britni, Britni, Britni… I will make an appointment from now on. That’s what this is about, isn’t it? You brought this gardener in here to teach us all a lesson didn’t you? “ You want to spin the wheel of chance on your haircut? We’re going to let Bleachy McBirdsnest use a soldering iron to make your hair shorter.”

At this point I would have let Britni take over and cut my hair with a hammer and chisel, because the new move that the young lady started using to fade my hair pulled some out with every ridiculously slow clip. It was less a hair cutting and more a hair ripping. It hurt, but I powered through it.

I’m sure several of you are wondering why I didn’t say something. The simple answer is that I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. She’s obviously new there and I didn’t want to create an awkward moment between her and the rest of the shop. Jobs are scarce right now and maybe I’m the practice dummy she needs to get good enough to NOT hurt someone.

And just like that, she was done. SHE was done. The haircut wasn’t, but I figured I could even the front out at home. Besides, I was finished sitting in that chair and used the opportunity to…not escape, I wasn’t in danger…retreat maybe?

I look like McMurphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. (Not my Joke)

This haircut would be the argument for why the Supreme Court needs to keep haircuts safe and legal. Awful haircut, almost as awful as that last joke… And that’s the Damm truth.

A Fake Biography

As a departure from my typical blog entry style, I have been compelled to write a different kind of piece. Instead of the first person narrative I usually employ with an occasional dialogue to mix it up, today’s writing will be different. Call it a need to break my mold or to avoid scorn for accidently writing a piece deemed overly political, I don’t care. The point is, this will be different.

About a month ago, maybe two, my artsy-fartsy cousin Paul (whom I have admiration for) started posting pictures of himself and an unknown woman. I am pleased that my cousin posts pictures and interesting images from his life on the other side of the country in either Vermont or New Hampshire or one of those “Maple Syrup Belt” states. But after repeated attempts to inquire about the nature of the relationship of this unknown woman, there had been nary a peep. I very impolitely teased my cousin and asked for more details of this relationship, threatening that if more pictures appeared of this woman without details, I would be forced to take matters into my own hands. After two clicks worth of digging, I learned that her name was Alison Logan. I have decided that this detail will be the only verifiable fact in what will be the story that I will “fill in” for the rest of our family. For if Paul cannot do Ms. Logan the courtesy of informing his family of his goings on (and she does appear to have it goin’ on. I had better, and did, recognize), it would therefore unofficially fall on the shoulders of the eldest cousin to assure the remaining family a backstory. Although completely untrue, this new backstory would help us to answer any “uncomfortable questions” the family may be confronted with in our individual social circles.

Therefore, I present the family, and the internet with:

The Extremely Unofficial and Blatantly Incorrect Biography of Alison Logan

On the afternoon of April 15th, 1983, Hyrum Logan raced his wife of 16 hours to the nearest medical clinic in a wheelbarrow. He had traded two blank cassette tapes, a very nice Waterford pen, half a shoeshine kit and three Australian dollars in order to acquire the makeshift person-mover from a 10-year-old Nigerian refugee (The barter was not the refugee’s first rodeo). Hyrum had only two questions on his mind at that moment: Was his wife, Gerta, about to give birth in a hand cart dating back to ancient Greece; and if she did, what was the likelihood of this revised birth plan upsetting and ruining the elaborate stack of 5 years worth of back tax forms balanced on Gerta’s jostled baby bump? Hyrum needed to get the forms postmarked by close of post office business in less than 70 minutes or else a mandatory 7 year prison sentence would be handed down the next morning.

Noticing his wife in distress and realizing he had pushed his wife, over six miles in 85 degree Cleveland heat, Hyrum ducked into a 7-11 to try and talk the clerk into a couple free Slurpee’s. After several intense minutes of negotiation, Hyrum emerged from the convenience store with a single 16 oz. grape Slurpee and two straws (minus Hyrum’s shoes and a lock of Hyrum’s hair). Upon leaving the store Hyrum witnessed his baby daughter being pulled out the top of his wife’s belly and immediately swaddled in 1978 and 1980’s 1040 tax form schedules (as well as several dozen 1099-MISC forms and about thirty feet of uncarboned receipt tape.

A common Cleveland street magician had noticed that Gerta had gone into “distress or shock or something”, and did the only thing he could think of doing, which was an emergency Ceasarean section he had seen Ed Begley Jr. perform only the night before on St. Elsewhere. The healthy baby girl was unharmed, however Gerta only lived a few moments more because a major medical procedure was just performed on her by a person with a live bird up their sleeve.

Knowing that he would be sent to jail the next day for failing to file 5 years of taxes in a responsible, timely manner, Hyrum decided to give his lovely new baby every advantage at his immediate disposal and named his baby girl “Alison” knowing that people with names that begin with the letter “A” typically get to go first most of the time in group oriented activities.

Facing the bitter irony that if Alison had just been born by December 31st, Hyrum may have had the proof of the child deduction he had claimed illegally and avoided the slammer, he tried to find the safest place for his new daughter now cradled in his arms.

As Hyrum began to weep for the future of his tiny baby daughter, a man rolled down a window from a procession of limousines that sat behind Hyrum in a traffic jam. The man in the stretched Cadillac beckoned Hyrum to bring the baby closer. The man told Hyrum that he was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, spiritual Zen priest of India and that he could not help but notice that Hyrum looked to be at the end of his rope (my words, not Rajneesh’s). The Zen priest smiled at Hyrum and produced a brushed stainless steel case, that once opened, revealed tens of thousands of dollars. Hyrum was speechless. The Zen priest then explained that with all of the wealth and riches he had, he could give the baby a good home and that Hyrum should hand the baby to the woman in the limousine two cars ahead of his, and then rolled his window up.

Hyrum, looking into Alison’s eyes, promised her he would find her someday. The new father made the third hardest decision of his life and gave his baby to the nice lady in the number six limousine. And that is how Alison Logan’s life began.

Alison was given a very active early childhood. She excelled at her studies and learned to speak Urdu, English, French and Russian (just in case). Her servants were her parents, teaching their values and culture all the while refining her for life as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s daughter, but by age nine, she devised a plan to escape the compound she had grown up in and “see the world”.

Alison had slowly been skimming money from her adoptive father’s religious empire for years and had collected nearly $16 million without being detected. She put the money into a secret bank account and walked out the front door of the compound and into the world.

Alison’s first journey at 12-years-old took her to Switzerland, where she spent her days eating the finest chocolate and learning international banking. She was given a job as international translator and soon rose to the position of vice-director general of the World Bank of Switzerland for two years until the Prime Minister of Belgium pointed out at the U.N. that the most prestigious bank in the world was being run by a 14-year-old runaway. After being embarrassed in front of the U.N. the World Bank of Switzerland was faced with two choices, move their highly successful bank to Iran, or ask their vice-director general to produce identification that extends beyond a name written on a battered Hello Kitty backpack. Alison, fearing her adoptive father’s agents would find her and bring her back to him (he had passed away years before), disappeared from Switzerland.

The next year of Alison’s life is a complete mystery. Some claim she joined a band of African freedom fighters and lead them to victory over a cruel warlord. Others maintain that Alison ghost wrote the entire megahit album of the Swedish performing artists known as Ace of Base. Alison has not provided any clues.

Immediately upon turning 18, she surfaces in a small village in rural Hokkaido applying for the most prestigious Sumo wrestling academy in all of Japan. Alison was immediately rejected, with the master of the academy exclaiming that if he could remove the honorable Alison’s spirit and place it in the body of a bloated man, she would have become the greatest Sumo of all time. The master introduced Alison to a Samurai who shall remain nameless and Alison begins learning the art of the katana (sword). She falls in love with the beauty of the blade and its movements. She also falls in love with an extremely talented Sushi chef that urges her to bring her love for the katana into the kitchen and create amazing Sushi cuisine with him.

As with everything Alison had done, she threw herself into the craft and discipline of creating unbelievable food combinations with raw fish and other fine fresh ingredients. Her rolls became legendary, commanding $10 then $20,000 each. However, her lover found living in Alison’s shadow to be too cold to bare and sought warmth in the arms of another. The day Alison learned of this betrayal, her lover died almost instantly during the evening meal from a cut of bad blowfish. By the time police arrived on the scene and began putting ni and ni together, Allison was on the 7:40 flight from Tokyo to Boston (with layovers in Seattle, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Salt Lake City again, Atlanta and finally Houston).

She hitchhiked from Boston to Vermont, spending a month working at a zoo, feeding baby penguins the greatest raw fish they had ever had. The public record shows Alison getting drunk at a tavern in New Hampshire, killing 17 “grabby” men with a cheap knock-off Samurai sword that hung above the bar and spending a night in jail (New Hampshire/Self Defense) before ending up on public land in the forests of Vermont in a cabin constructed by her own hands.

The heartbroken Alison would only come down to town once a month to purchase supplies with money she raised making terrible balloon animals at children’s parties. Her fortune long gone as she had dropped a $19.6 million cashier’s check into the tip jar of a barista during her Atlanta layover.

The rest of her time she spent in her/the public’s cabin, writing a brilliant manifesto and learning coin tricks. It is at this time Hyrum, out of prison and employed as a Homeland Security video reviewer recognizes his little girl from several cameras in the sleepy Vermont town. Hyrum makes the trip to contact Alison in her cabin and explains about her birth and the taxes and the only choice he felt he could make for her. The meeting is… awkward. She makes him the most amazing lunch of “land Sushi” Hyrum has ever had (raw squirrel, nuts, maple syrup bound with birch tree bark), despite being made expertly, it is still “land Sushi” and pretty horrible. Alison thanks her supposed father for his time, makes him a balloon giraffe-ish type of thing and asks him to never contact her again. Alison’s depression worsened.

Paul Reynolds, a professional photographer on a routine walk in the woods of Vermont aimed his camera at what he thought was a young Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Paul admitted that at the moment he pressed the shutter for the first time, he was convinced the Bigfoot was about to charge him and wondered, as one does in the wilderness with young wild animals, where the mother Bigfoot was. He quickly picked up a large rock and readied it as the beast came at him directly out of the setting sun. Reynolds, who did not excel at baseball, threw the rock and it glanced of the humanoid’s head, knocking it to the ground. Unfortunately minutes later, the photographer’s glee of bagging one of the greatest myths in American history turned to horror as he realized he had struck a young woman (one he said was very possibly “hot” if he could imagine her with much less blood on her face) with a rock. Realizing she was stirring, Paul helped the mystery woman to his place where he nursed her wounds and cleaned her up.

The rock had effected the woman’s speech center of her brain and she could only speak Hindi to Paul. She understood his words, but could only form thoughts for Paul in her first language. She stayed at the Photographer’s place for several weeks while Paul tried to come up with a story for why he had kidnapped a Hindi-speaking woman and attempted to brain her with a rock. During this time, Paul realized that he was starting to have feelings for this woman and that she, might be having feelings for him as well.

Exactly three weeks from the night he tried to kill this mystery woman in his life, Paul Reynolds asked if the woman wanted to be more than friends. Immediately, the woman’s eyes flickered and she smiled at Paul and said, “My name is Alison Logan and I would like to be more than friends with you.” Alison’s language center was jolted back to normal by the defibrillator of love.

Ever since that fateful night, where it turns out Alison dressed up like Bigfoot to scare some park rangers away from her illegal cabin, Paul and Alison have been inseparable and prove it by posting adorable pictures of themselves on the Facebook with absolutely no explanation.

Alison’s life continues, however, this is the end of this biography.

None of this was true.

The ridiculousness of the airline layover system is pretty true, but everything else isn’t right at all, especially what I wrote about this probably delightful young lady that my cousin insists on showing off.

Independence Day

I love the Fourth of July. I always have. As an American, I can’t help but love seeing our country’s flag flown everywhere and the patriotic grandeur of it all. I even have a favorite way to celebrate Independence Day too. I head to a usually sleepy beach town, take in a very sad parade and then kick back and watch society crumble around me.

Surely you are rolling your eyes at my choice of words. Well allow me to support my case as gently as possible (for me).

The Fourth of July, provides a booster shot of confidence to an already over-confident people. Think about it, we’re still celebrating a victory we had over the British that happened over 235 years ago. I mean, talk about spiking the ball… 235 years and Great Britain still returns our phone calls. That country is full of polite, good sports. Every year, at the beginning of July, Great Britain can expect to get drunk dialed by the braggarts in the United States and the conversation goes something like this:

Great Britain: Good Day, thank you for calling Great Britain, how can we help you?

US: Good Day? (yells to buddies off the phone: He said, “good day” instead of “hello”, can you believe???) Hell Yes it’s a good day! Can you guess why?

Great Britain: Oh, hello United States, *sigh*, we can only guess that Pontiac has started making the Trans Am again? Is that the case?

US: No, you pompous limey Brit! Tell me what day it is?

Great Britain: … *sigh* It is the Fifth of July.

US: No it’s not you stupid Englishman. It’s the FOURTH of July! What’s the matter? Does your country make calendars as good as it wins wars?

Great Britain: Dear Lord, is it THAT time of year again? Very well, get on with your gloating about your winning a war fought between us over two and a third centuries ago, over a tax so small, it wouldn’t pay for the paper Her Majesty’s law was written on. Incidentally, the reason you are confused about the date being the FIFTH of July is that our countries are in different time zones. In your time, it is still the fourth of July, while in Great Britain, we have progressed passed midnight into the Fifth of July.

US: Shut up Not-So-Great-Britain! You don’t have some stupid time machine that makes your day different from the rest of us. Maybe that’s what got you in so much trouble a couple hundred years ago, you thinking you can just lie your way out of stuff.

Great Britain: I suspect what got GREAT BRITAIN into trouble was that we didn’t send enough books and teachers over to the colonies, to explain how things like government, taxes and TIME ZONES worked. You see, when the Earth moves around the sun, it rotates slowly, and shines on only part of the planet at a time, this creates…

US: “Earth rotates around the sun?” Whatever. That’s crazy talk, and why would we want books when everything’s on TV?

Great Britain: Well it was VERY nice speaking with you again, United States. I’m sure this phone call is VERY expensive and you would like to get back to your fireworks…

US: Too expensive? We’re the richest country on Earth! Hey GB, answer me this, why aren’t you speaking German now?

Great Britain: Ahh yes, are we on to this now? Is it time for you to remind us of, how did you elegantly put it last year, “you saved our bacon from the krauts in World War 2?”

US: You bet your butt we did. And not just WWII, but that other war too.

Great Britain: World War One?

US: Yeah, that one! You’re lucky we weren’t still cheesed off about that Revolutionary war business.

Great Britain: Or the War of 1812 for that matter.

US: You really don’t know nothing do you? The American Civil War was over in 1776. It’s on a bunch of our quarters so nobody will forget.

Great Britain: Well, I hear my tea kettle, I really must be going. I simply cannot wait for this conversation next year. Do you have a service that can ensure you get home? You sound like you have been indulging in the spirits.

US: The spirits? I’m not at church, you pompous moron, I’m at a party! The ”service” I use to get home is my pickup and my wits.

Great Britain: Very well, please be careful and sleep it off before operating your motor vehicle.

US: Shut yer trap, you stuck up…(Click)

I imagine that’s how my British friends see this American holiday. We see patriotism and freedom and the rest of the world sees a bunch of us overweight Americans standing around outside in t-shirts and flip-flops betting on how many hotdogs a person can put away in a certain amount of time. I love hotdogs and contests as much as the average person, in fact when it comes to hotdogs I’m far ahead of the curve. However, the fact that Americans go so overboard on the “confidence” part of Independence day is as off putting as it would be to anyone who encounters such a braggart.

If individuals were to approach a person they had not met with the same blind self-assuredness at a party, those individuals would be avoided like the plague. If I were in high school and tried to ask a girl to a dance with the kind of confidence that America has on the Fourth of July, that girl would be so turned off that she would immediately go to the powder room and write a warning to other girls on the mirror with lipstick: “Watch out for Steve Damm! He has delusions and bad breath!” I didn’t see that until halfway into my fourth year of college.

I love the patriotism in the United States, especially on Independence Day, but could we also use it as a time to reflect on what we could do better as individuals to MAKE our country even better? I’m not talking about winning hotdog contests either, which yes, we have mastered. Maybe if we use Independence Day to evaluate how we work together and live as neighbors would be a good thing. If we took the time to look at how we are ranked in the world of health, education and poverty, maybe the boasting wouldn’t seem so empty.

Currently the United States is “Number 1”, the most bestest ever at thinking we are “Number 1.” At least that’s what a current study of teenage boys says. Now, that same group of teenage boys is 25th in the world when it comes to math skills, but if you ask them, they’ll say they are the best, proving they don’t understand the values of numbers, which in turn proves that they are indeed 25th at math. THAT is overconfidence. So I’m proposing, maybe we use Independence Day to make America a better place and work together to raise all the important numbers back to “Number 1.” If for anything, the country needs to come together to save those teenage boys from being proven wrong and embarrassed in front of people they would like to make out with.

I also enjoy travelling to a sleepy beach town on the Oregon Coast specifically for the holiday. Oregon Beach towns are very big on parades. Very big on parades, and the one I prefer is one of the saddest of them all. When I was younger, and the economy was a little better maybe, the parade was very much like you would picture a parade to be. Lots of fun floats and marching bands and community members would make their way down the route, waving and playing music. It has deteriorated somewhat in the last few years.

There is now only one marching band and it is the Scottish drum and pipe kind. Years have been especially unkind to this group. Either Alcoholism or the vanishing art of the style of playing has dwindled the numbers down from row upon row of kilted tooty-bag-squeezers to just seven members walking to the beat of a lone snare, bass and tom-tom. (Come to think of it, maybe being referred to as a kilted tooty-bag-squeezer didn’t exactly entice a younger generation to pick up the pipes. I’m sorry, ancient Scottish art form.)

The floats with waving princesses have been replaced by pickup trucks pulling trailers with boom-boxes blaring barely audible Lee Greenwood songs. I miss the floats, and by miss the floats I mean, I miss where I had to try to figure out the mechanism to transport that much paper Mache. Now we just have pretty cars with banners and signs. In fact in the last couple of years it has been hard to determine when the parade was actually over and traffic started rolling by slowly.

They still throw candy to the children, and the children really get excited about it. They run right out into traffic to get it. My son’s hand was almost crushed this year but a Dodge pickup full of 4-H’ers all for the sweet sweet taste of a broken Watermelon flavored Joll-E Rancher. Luckily my redneck holler kicked in and I was able to address past the candy receptors into the pain and fear receptors of my son’s brain with a sharp bark of his name. My wife looked at me as if I had the dignity of a man who thought a fish fork was for gigging frogs. I looked back with a confidence that communicated I just ensured the two years of piano our son had completed would continue to be possible.

This particular parade ended and has ended with a fire truck slowly making its way through town and firing its water cannon at the people. Many flee, and just as many jump out into the street to get hit by the high pressure hose. As the people in the street scream with delight (?) as they are hosed down (my son loved it), I can’t help but think back to America’s recent history, when a fire hose was used for a much more sinister purpose in the 60’s. I’m speaking of course of the scene in the film, Planet of the Apes when a gorilla used a fire hose to separate the astronaut Taylor, played by Charlton Heston from the “female” Luna, played by an actress as they were held in a cage. That fire hose represents all that will go wrong with Humans and Apes in the future.

Let’s talk frankly about fireworks shall we? I can’t possibly be the only one in the country that gets a twitch in the logic center of my brain when any moron with two dollars can purchase enough explosives to blow up… anything.

In a country that is so paranoid about terrorism, a country that gave up their freedoms of private phone calls and unopened mail, of home surveillance and the ability to transport breast milk and toe nail clippers on an airplane, we have no problem opening up booth after booth of super cheap gunpowder to ABSOLUTELY ANYONE. Open the fireworks and dump them into a pipe and you have a bomb. Just a year or two ago, a rookie terrorist put some gasoline and fireworks into car and tried to blow up their car at Times Square, so it totally happens. Why didn’t it work? The fireworks malfunctioned, which brings me to the next part of my meandering piece: Fireworks are unpredictable.

All fireworks are simply different sized pieces of dynamite with strategic holes cut in the tubes for propulsion and patterns for the fire to follow. Plug those holes and you have dynamite. Every year I cringe as I watch a parent direct a child to hold a Roman Candle while it shoots white-hot balls of colorful flame into the air. Apart from the obvious hazard of the child wondering if and when the next ball is coming and trying to look down the tube, what would that parent do if the candle’s tube was obstructed and there was no escape for the gunpowder? The answer is watch in horror as the kid’s arm was blown off. It happens. It happens often.

These fireworks, which I will completely come clean and admit to shooting off my share, are created in Chinese factories by less than rested, non-union employees. If every single unit that is produced, isn’t produced exactly right, you just have varying sizes of dynamite waiting to go off. But, you know, the youth group has a trip to the city coming up so why not sell explosives to get there? It might be safer, community wise, to just have that same youth group sell .38 specials out of the trunk of a car. They would make more money and society would be safer too (short term).

This is just the “safe and sane” types of fireworks, the kind that “report” instead of explode. There’s no real difference when it comes to explosions and “reports” other than the fact that one of the words ISN’T “explosions”. Personally, I know the difference and it is vast. An explosion is a sudden release of energy, while a report is a document with data and graphs that I give to my boss two days after it is due. The “safe and sane” fireworks are neither however, they have escaped the scrutiny of whatever safety inspector deemed unsafe. As if one type of fire can burn you or your house down and another is the kind that lights fairy houses or makes bushes speak. This separates fireworks into two classes: legal, and “I’m sorry sir, you’ll have to get that from either an arms dealer or a Native American Reservation.”

Oddly enough, I have very few problems with Native Americans selling big illegal fireworks to non-Native people. Native Americans got (and get) such a raw deal from the United States, I think it is completely justified for them to be able to sell any instrument of destruction they can back to the people that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Native Americans. Have you seen the types of conversations that go on at these illegal stands?

Redneck: See son? Now THESE here are REAL fireworks. The kind of fireworks I grew up with as a kid. Firecrackers, cherry bombs, rockets and more, I’m going to show you a special 4th of JU-LY! Hey Tonto, come on over here and sell me some good stuff.

Native American: That’s not my name.

Redneck: Sorry Geronimo, I didn’t know your name.

Native American: Talks To.

Redneck: What? Talks to who?

Native American: That’s my name: Talks To. You can call me Talks To. It’s short for Talks To Stupid People. It’s an old family Indian name.

Redneck: Alright Talks To. Let’s get a big box of stuff. I want some really big firecrackers.

Native American: We have M100s.

Redneck: Are they the biggest you got? What kind of damage will they do?

Native American: Well, they’ll blow a fence post out of the ground or your hand off your body.

Redneck: EXCELLENT, I’ll take 10!

Native American: Great, I hope you have 5 friends?

Redneck: Uh, yeah, I do, why?

Native American: Well… if you promise you’ll tell your friends where you got these, I’ll give you a discount.

Redneck: Done and done Kemosabe! Now do you have any rockets? I want some big rockets.

Native American: We sure do. And if you buy one of the big ones, I’ll throw in one of our small “indoor” rockets.

Redneck: Indoor Rockets?

Native American: Sure, brand new technology this year. We’re giving them away because this batch came without the safety labels. Can’t sell them, so we’re giving them as bonuses with the purchase of the bigger rockets. They don’t work as well outdoors and they make big colors inside, particularly in rooms where you can draw your curtains closed.

Redneck: Alright, then give me two, one for me and one for my brother, he couldn’t come.

Native American: Is your brother’s house big enough? They work better in bigger houses, or apartment buildings.

Redneck: HUGE house. He’s going to love it.

Native American: Just be careful. Don’t mix up the big ones and the little ones. The big ones should be done outside only. The little ones are for inside. Can I interest you in any of our Duty Free alcohol across the street? Go ask for my cousin, Asks No Questions. He will get you all you can handle.

At least I hope that’s how it goes. One of my redneck neighbors burned the house down next door to them. It was empty because the people that lived there couldn’t stand to be around their neighbor as he blew up half his yard.

Putting aside the fact that we open up conveniently located cheap explosives arsenals on every corner of our community, what of the injuries and fires that happen so casually with these incendiary devices? Are we this blind to tradition that we casually ramble through several days of unnecessary danger?

Then of course, American society adds alcohol to the equation of gunpowder plus over-confidence. Alcohol, which is sometimes flammable on its own, has the accelerated effect of making bad decisions exponentially worse. It also makes people just creative enough to make a bad decision worse. This is when you start to see improvised fireworks, or altered fireworks. People cut open and pour out gunpowder or duct tape items up, or submerge them (which again, I have done and thought was incredibly cool). They’ll put them in cans to see what would happen. Sometimes it’s really interesting or cool, and sometimes it’s just shrapnel. I’m extremely thankful that none of my experiments went wrong because I am pretty stupid.

Fireworks and alcohol go together like… Well, like fireworks and alcohol. Unfortunately I cannot think of a dumber combination than those two things to provide you with an amusing simile.

I capped off the night sitting on a once perilous beach, watching a fantastic display of fire and color in the sky. I say once perilous, because the beach used to have an absolutely insane amount of personal fireworks going off. Explosions, fire, 3000 degree sparklers in the hands of 3-year-olds, it was a beach without reason. Now it has been declared illegal to shoot off any and all fireworks on that beach so that cut the pyromania by almost half. Seriously.

The big firework show is put on every year and looks absolutely spectacular. It is paid for by the donations of the tourists and residents of the city all year long. Each year the show gets bigger and bigger. I believe the 45 minute show costs around $100,000. It’s probably more and it is absolutely grand when the coast isn’t fogged in (it was clear as a bell). I couldn’t possibly think of a better way to spend that kind of money in a poverty stricken town, could you?

It certainly went better than San Francisco’s planned fireworks display for this year. Instead of launching them one after the other for 45 minutes, the million dollar display all went off at once… before dark. If you set $1 million in cash on fire (which they kind of did), it would burn longer than that firework display lasted.

Please do not take this ramble as me being decidedly unpatriotic or cynical. I really love Independence Day and I think with just a few easy tweaks, we could use it to move us in a constructive direction or help us become the country we say we are. I’m proud of what America can be. I’m excited for this next year as an American and look forward to a year of making my country a better place for everyone to live, and that’s the Damm Truth.


This will probably be the most controversial thing I write. At least it will be from the standpoint of where I come from and what I grew up around. I don’t believe that it is an argument or a particular point of view; I believe it is a fact. Perhaps it is a fact that has been covered up so much with culture and marketing that people have forgotten (and I will help clear that up a little too) that what is happening every day is simply NOT what it appears to be. It’s a behavior so ridiculous, yet many of us see it every day and think nothing of it. It is passed off as a lifestyle, yet so few claiming the lifestyle actually live that life. In fact, the word that comes to mind is “silly”.

If you’re wearing a cowboy hat, you’re wearing a costume.

That last sentence just sent shockwaves through my hometown. In fact, many people just stopped reading this. Some were actually wearing cowboy hats as they read the sentence.

But by all means, continue to wear the hats and the boots and the Wrangler jeans. If it’s working for you, it’s working for you. But unless you are making your living riding a horse and driving cattle, you are in a costume. You are dressed to make people believe that you are something you are not.

Believe me, I’m fine with you wearing a costume. Do it. It gives you something to feel good about. Many people like to dress up as different things and pretend they are someone they aren’t. I’ve done it on Halloween and other special occasions. My family loves to do costumes every October 31st, we put a whole lot of thought into it. It’s how we are creative, and we have a lot of fun. In fact, all the children that dress up do. That’s why costumes are so great.

I enjoyed dressing up like a cowboy when I worked at Safeway during the local Rodeo Days promotions we ran. I even wore toy six shooters that I learned to twirl as part of the act. It was an ACT. I was ACTING like a cowboy, because I didn’t own a horse. I went to school and played baseball, I did not rope lil’ doggies out on the range. When Rodeo Days was over, I packed that stuff away… with my other costumes.

Now, I understand, there are rodeo athletes, and yes, they are athletes that need things like chaps and riding boots and even the hat is functional as a proper sun shade. This is totally acceptable. But when you wear that gear to a social event, you are pretending you are still on a horse, or at least pretending that you have one hitched up outside and ninety nine times out of a hundred, you probably drove your car or your pickup.

“But Steve, it isn’t a costume, this is the cowboy lifestyle.” I’ve heard it all before, but the fact of the matter is, if I wore those clothes to a Halloween party, people would say, “Oh, Steve came dressed as a cowboy. What an unbelievably uninspired costume.” They wouldn’t assume that’s my normal garb, and even if it was, I could still pass myself off as a cowboy at a masquerade ball. 100% of the other guests would answer correctly as to what costume I am wearing.

I grew up in a town where I saw this all the time. Some of my friends owned horses, rode them, showed them and sometimes competed with them. Many of my friends were farmers and wore straw cowboy style hats to keep the sun at bay while spending endless hours on the tractor in the summer sun. That’s wearing the gear as functional pieces of equipment. I wouldn’t consider this to be a costume at all. The minute it is used beyond the horses and the functionality? THAT is when the outfit, becomes a costume.

I still haven’t convinced you? Then I ask you this: What other occupation lends itself to fashionably accessorize for both formal and laborious activities? Does a police officer, after a day of patrolling, come home, change out of their uniform and hat and put on clothes and a hat reminiscent of their work uniform to go out on the town? They might wear a police department t-shirt, but that is different. A T-shirt promoting or supporting your organization is different than pretending to be a police officer when off duty. Being a police officer is an actual occupation. They catch bad guys every day, let them wear their bullet proof vest 24/7, they have earned the right to wear officer related clothing… but they don’t. The person that you just passed at the shopping mall wearing a cowboy hat did not just drive 800 head of cattle from New Mexico to Wyoming and probably never will.

If you were to ask me to go out with you for a night on the town to a nice dinner and then to a nightclub to see a show or go dancing, and I prepared myself by dressing in rubber boots, a heavy duty fireproof/waterproof jacket and a helmet with a bill down my back, you would laugh at me. If I dressed up in a jumpsuit and leather bomber jacket with goggles and a scarf, you just plain WOULDN’T go out with me. Yet if I went to my closet and put on a long sleeved decorative shirt with abalone snaps, horse riding boots and a ten gallon hat, some people would be ready to hit the town without batting an eye.

And OH! HOW THEY ACCESSORIZE! Just so I actually knew what I was talking about, I did about 10 minutes of homework and came up with a list of “cowboy” accessories that people use to complete their costumes. Cowboy Boots can go from $100-$2000. That’s Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo territory at those prices. Fur cowboy hats can range from the $20 straw to the $1000 fur. But I think the biggest fashion accessory on a cowboy has to be the rodeo belt buckle. Silver and gold, sometimes fitted with diamonds and often awarded as trophies, rodeo belt buckles make gaudy costume jewelry look like something an Amish milk maid would wear.

Let’s talk about the truck, the single biggest piece of the so-called “cowboy lifestyle.” On real farms, pickup trucks are often used to transport everything from equipment, crop, tools, animals and actual crap from one place to another. You can tell a working farm truck by the fact that they are typically beaten up. The rear bed area has little to no remaining paint left after years of transporting gravel and other harsh cargo. It’s functional.

The “cowboy” pickup has not a blemish on it. It’s waxed to a gleaming shine with chrome wheels and all the bells and whistles of a Cadillac inside. It hasn’t carried so much as a bag of pillows in the bed. It’s a vehicle purely for status that says, “My cowboy costume is complete.” Although the “cowboy” that drives it looks down his nose at “all them flashy city cars,” might be interested to know that his pickup cost more than a new Lexus.

I have seen with my own eyes, “cowboys” with these giant gas-guzzling pickup trucks using them as their daily commuter vehicle. Said “cowboy” doesn’t do very well with matching tools to jobs and functionality. Yes a pickup will get you from one place to another, but it is not for commuting to a job that does not require a pickup. By this logic, one might eat breakfast cereal with a gardening spade.

“Why am I using this tiny shovel to eat? I’m a gardener. It’s my lifestyle. I feel safer eating with something a little bigger than those small, pokey things. I know it isn’t very efficient but I like it. It’s my style, I’m a gardener at heart, always have been.”

But let me tell you the one thing that drives me nuts: Cowboy hats on a groom or groomsmen at a wedding. Understand this fact, if a wedding has people in cowboy hats, that wedding is a costume party. The groom has chosen to wear a costume to the wedding. And if I hear word that a wedding I am about to attend has cowboy hats on ANY of the wedding party, then that wedding is officially a costume affair and I have no problem showing up as either Cat Woman, a Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger, or the front half of a horse, just to prove a point.

Astronauts do not get married in fancy, decorative space helmets so “cowboys” can leave the costume at home. Seriously, if someone wanted to get married in clown make-up (which I’m sure has happened) people would think that was bonkers (especially if the clowns name WAS Bonkers).

The best part of all of this cowboy costume business is that the people dressing up as the romanticized image of the cowboy, are just dressing up as a made up theatrical character. Buffalo Bill Cody HIGHLY fictionalized the character of a “cowboy” as an adventurer in the west. They are almost always depicted as Caucasian and also desirable and heroic. But in reality, that was because that is what Buffalo Bill wanted people to believe. If Buffalo Bill told his audiences that most cattle drivers were homeless ex-slaves and immigrants from Mexico, he wouldn’t have sold many tickets to the incredibly racist white audiences he meant to fleece. Instead, these Wild West shows mostly created these characters out of thin air or romanticized them so much that they bare little resemblance to the original people that actually did the jobs.

Now an entire economy is built on fake clothing fashion, ideals, artwork, activities, music, film and food. When you think about it, there’s not much difference between the “cowboy” lifestyle and all the junk that’s popular about vampires these days. Both characters didn’t really exist or at least didn’t as we know them today.

Who would have thought that homeless vagabonds from the 19th Century would be so popular for so long? If you were to tell me that in one hundred years, people would be clamoring for designer bottles in brown bags, pushing chromed up shopping carts, wearing sleeping bags to weddings and begging for change as a sport, I might just believe you. Because that is essentially what today’s “cowboy lifestyle” is doing for the homeless of our recent past.

So if you are one of those people that is most comfortable wearing Western attire, I ask you to think twice before you laugh and point at the guy you see decked out in a tutu and fairy wings on Seattle’s Capitol Hill, because you’re BOTH wearing a costume, his is just better, and that’s the Damm truth.

Different Dreams

I don’t sleep well most nights. Lately it’s been allergies preventing me from getting the deep, restful sleep. That’s lately, but there’s always something going on that prevents me from sweet slumber. The worst is when one of our wiener dogs steps directly on my nether regions while burrowing in to the bed. So sleeping is more of a theory for me at the present. But when it happens, I savor it.

The other night was one of those deep sleep nights, and I had one of those dreams that you do not want to end. I plan on sharing it with you. But let’s get a few ground rules straight. No judging. We all like to THINK we know what dreams mean and the symbology trapped within them represents, but the truth is, nobody really knows what any of things represent in the subconscious and reading into it isn’t usually accurate even by the dreamer themselves. My wife told me this and she’s a Ph. D. in stuff like that. So let’s all get off our high horses when I reveal some of this awesome dream.

My wife Wendy and I walked in to what was decorated as a spectacularly official Washington State hall. We were dressed to the nines, my wife in a gorgeous powder blue dress, with her hair done up with pretty bows and sparkly things. The party we were entering appeared to be in our honor as we strode down a red carpet. Our friends and relatives were all there congratulating us and we heard compliments flying at us from every direction. Our friends from CWU smiled at us a told us they knew we would win and my parents stood at the end of the line, proud of the both of us and our forthcoming honor. Although the hall was decorated beautifully and looked old and marbled like a state house, it was also like my old high school gymnasium.

Someone came to the podium at the far end of the hall and announce that the State of Washington’s choice for greatest married couple was none other than my wife and I. A huge screen lit up with a picture of my wife and I, though the picture was projected under a digital score display that looked like the survey board from the Family Feud. The crowd went nuts. The governor was there, though we didn’t get to see her, and several members of old bands of mine began to play as I thanked my wife for being such a great partner and the love of my life. She thanked me and we smiled at each other and began to dance with all of our friends and family surrounding us. An ice sculpture of Wendy was wheeled out and I begged everyone not to let her melt. But everyone said it was a distraction from what we really were getting and told us to turn around. There was a HUGE trophy, taller than Wendy or I behind us with a big engraving on the front with “Greatest Couple of All Time” on it together with our names. I can’t remember what it said after that, but you get the point. For some reason, everyone started singing Auld Lang Syne.

This dream made me feel absolutely spectacular. I was so in love with my wife when my eyes opened just before my alarm was to sound, I couldn’t wait to share it, but I decided to shut the alarm off before it sounded and sneak in for my morning shower as to not disturb my sleeping angel. Little did I know, while I was having the dream of our marriage being the state’s standard to measure all other marriages against, just one pillow away something very different was happening deep in the subconscious of my beloved bride.

I was dressed and ready for work and about to head downstairs to leave for work. By this time my wife was sitting up in bed. She had the dazed look in her squinty eyes of a disappointed zombie just re-animating after being dead for 20 minutes. She shot me a glare, but then shook it off slightly as if she didn’t believe what she was thinking. She threw her body back down into the pillows and began to speak:

Wendy: I had a horrible, HORRIBLE dream last night.

Steve: What happened? If it was me, you know I didn’t really do it right? It was just a dream.

Wendy: It was so real. You decided you wanted to stay married to me but you brought a girlfriend home with you.

Steve: (intrigued) Really? What was she like?

Wendy: She seemed nice, pretty but not gorgeous and wasn’t mean or anything. And you just had her around like she was a big part of your life.

Steve: Was she smart?

Wendy: Yes, I think so.

Steve: Well, see there you go, your dream wasn’t real because I’m totally through with smart chicks.

I had said that to lighten the mood, but all it did was solidify Wendy’s dream as the reality that was between us. As I saw Wendy’s expression across the room, I instinctively ducked. Wendy is not in the habit of throwing things at me, but thousands of years of male human instinct took control (say something monumentally dumb to mate, move to avoid rock/spear/shoe/dish/small appliance thrown at you).

Wendy: Why are you ducking?

Steve: …you know…just kinda…felt like…uh…ducking. What else happened? Let’s get this out so you hear how ridiculous this sounds. That’s the only way to get past this.

Wendy: I just can’t believe you had guts to bring her to our home to have dinner with me.

Steve: I didn’t.

Wendy: You did. She just sat there next to you holding your hand.

Steve: No she didn’t because she isn’t real. Try, Wendy, try to find another woman that would be willing to date me. No other smart, attractive woman would have me in the state I’m in. What else happened?

Wendy: Libby and her family were sitting at the dinner table with us and she was appalled at the fact that you brought a woman home with you to have dinner with everyone. SHE was the one that called you out and demanded that you explain yourself.

Steve: Libby, like, my former high school girlfriend Libby?

Wendy: Yes, THAT Libby. How many Libbys do you know? SHE kept demanding through the dinner to know why you would do this to me. And that made ME wonder why you had a girlfriend sitting with you at the table!

Steve: Technically I had TWO girlfriends at the table! BAM!

I ducked again.

Wendy: This isn’t funny Steve I’m still mad at you.

Steve: Well, it really is. You’re holding me responsible for actions that occurred in YOUR brain. I’m sorry, you’re not holding me responsible, my former high school girlfriend is. And now you’re awake and you believe that what you saw in your subconscious actually happened.

Wendy smiled at me.

Wendy: Yes.

Steve: Yes what?

Wendy: Yes, Libby is holding you responsible.

Steve: I will call her today and apologize for creating a spectacle with my non-existent extra-marital girlfriend at the dinner party she wasn’t at because it took place in your frontal lobe.

Wendy: You were going to start another family with her.

Steve: With Libby?

Wendy: With the woman you brought to dinner. Libby was outraged.

Steve: But YOU were calm?

Wendy: I was just trying to make everyone happy. I wasn’t very happy about it but Libby was handling the situation appropriately.

Steve: Honey, I have to go to work now, but I don’t want you to be mad at me all day for something I didn’t do, so let’s re-cap: I’m not dating anyone else and don’t want to, least of all another smart girl, nobody else would have me, we’ve never had Libby’s family over for dinner, and there’s no way you would allow me to live if you saw me with another woman.

Wendy: It felt real.

Steve: Well, look at it this way, some psychologists believe that YOU are EVERY PERSON in your dream as a separate piece of your personality. I should be outraged at you for bringing you to a dinner party, insulting yourself, the host, and you as your former girlfriend and your guest family… all of which are also you.

Wendy: Uh, no, it wasn’t like that at all. You did this Steve.

Steve: No I didn’t. But I love you and nobody else and I have to go to work. I have neither the time, nor the patience for another woman in my life. Try and have a good day. I appreciate you believing on a subconscious level that I’m attractive in any way to other women. Thank you for believing in magic.

And with that, I bounded down the steps late for work.

Please understand, my wife is a brilliant psychologist. So brilliant that at times I believe she only married me for the abnormal data.

On my 40 minute commute to work, I had plenty of time to reflect on the differences in our dreams. I thought mine was pretty great and woke up wondering how much it would cost to rent a hall and throw a dance for all our friends and family. I wondered if the governor would come and how much it would cost to get a giant trophy with our names engraved on it. But alas, most of those thoughts were punched in the abdomen unexpectedly by the idea of myself with another woman at a dinner party my wife was throwing for my old flame and her family. I certainly prefer my dream, but I was clearly getting more action in my wife’s. Some men would like that sort of thing. Steve Damm is not one of those men, and that’s the Damm truth.

Okanogan Part 3 The Final Chapter

Three of us woke up in the hotel room Saturday morning after a less than restful night. I had managed to find a layer of the bed that I felt would be clean enough to sleep on top of, inside my sleeping bag (I took the bedspread off and laid the bag on top of the extra blanket without touching the sheets or pillows). I would have risked the floor, but the night before I was too tired to search a spot large enough for me to lay down on for the dangers of protruding framing nails. My recollection of where Dave and Toby slept is a little foggy, but I do know that Dave was creeped out more than I was about the bed situation, and he may have spent the night leaned against the knobless door holding a table lamp at the ready for an intruder as he dozed off sporadically through the night, but for all I know he slept in the bed. I doubt it.

(By the way dear reader, I’m typing this story in Microsoft Word and it is telling me that the word “knobless” is incorrect. It’s the only word I could use simply to tell you that the door had no knob, thus it is knobless. I won’t use this word in any other story for the rest of my life, hopefully. But yes Microsoft Word, I know “knobless” is wrong. Just like I know that it is WRONG to have hotel doors without knobs! Seriously, the room had no knobs. Yes it will matter later.)

Toby, who simply couldn’t stand the feeling of sludge that had built up on his body, attempted a shower. Desperation will drive a man to do many things, and Toby just wanted to feel clean again. I don’t know what happened but I understood it went badly. Neither Dave nor I blamed him, though we did ask him to reconsider. It was short, probably unpleasant, and although his hair looked better and he maintained that it was a better idea than not, you could see in his eyes that he felt like he had traded one vile smelly state for a different coating of vile and stinky.

Because I was still fighting an infection, and was having trouble getting actual oxygen past the one inch layer of second hand tobacco still coating the inside of my lungs, I was miserable. Exhausted and sore from the evening’s workout on the drums, I attempted to clean myself with a spare t-shirt (I always have one), a travel soap I took from a hotel classier than the place I was currently inhabiting and the sink (I let the water run until I was sure it had spent the minimum amount of time inside the hotel’s actual pipes).

Dave, Toby and myself, all feeling a little better, were ready for a bit of breakfast and to begin the 12 hour wait to play the second half of our contracted duty. But where was Erik? WHERE IN THE HELL WAS ERIK! Have you seen Erik? Did he come back last night? I didn’t hear him come in. Is that his stuff over there? Where is he?

Erik was dead. We were sure of it. We hardly knew the guy. He had practiced with us a few times and he had replaced our old bass player for only the past few weeks. This was his first gig with us. And we killed him. Did we kill him? I didn’t kill anybody. I’m sick! Not sick, like sick-in-the-head, but not well enough physically to truly be a suspect? Would I be an accessory? I drove him up here in my van, I’m responsible. NO, Toby is responsible. He booked this gig, all roads lead to Toby. I was just following orders! Ohhhh poor Erik. What about his parents? Somebody is going to have to tell his parents. They sure won’t want to hear it from Toby. Dave’s too sensitive. I can do it. I can tell Erik’s parents that Toby let their little boy be kidnapped and eaten by the feral populace of Okanogan. I was a natural helper, I can phrase it so the blow will be softer for his parents. Did Erik have a dog? That dog will never get to play with Erik again. I wonder what the university will do. They say that if your roommate dies while you’re in school, you’ll get straight A’s for the quarter. He’s not our roommate. Surely the university would give us SOME consideration on this. Probably not Toby, he’s going to jail, but I surely could use some grade relief…

Dave interrupted my thought process by saying that Erik would probably show up sometime this morning and we shouldn’t worry about waiting to get breakfast with him because HE had no problem deserting us the night before. They were a little peeved that Erik didn’t suffer the night with us AS A BAND. I just wanted him to be alive and not part of some musician-skin patchwork made of wayward bass players that wandered too far from the Caribou Inn’s stage.

At breakfast (biscuits and gravy, fantastic), we tried to put together what the three of us saw the night before. (By the way, of the three drunks at the bar the night before, two of them were still there, in the same seats. If the third drunk was still there, I would have sworn they were sitting in a time loop.) Between the three of us, we were able to piece together a scenario even scarier than what I, alone, witnessed. And the bouncers said last night was the slow night. Wonderful.

We had hours to kill in Okanogan that day. It was sunny, but the temperature leveled out at about 15 degrees. There was a layer of fresh frost on top of about eight inches of fine powdery snow. We figured we would hop in the van and go see the “sights.” We were ready to go anywhere but the Caribou. The prospect of an entire day sitting in that room would have broken my soul.

It was about that time that our bass player appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He was wearing his same outfit from the day before and yet was looking well rested. I believe Dave was the first to address him.

Dave: Hey man? Where the heck did you get off to last night.

Erik: I think… there was a party.

Me: Are you okay? You THINK? You don’t remember? Were you drugged? Erik, did they give you Rohypnol?

Toby: How did you get here? Did someone drop you off?

Dave: Did Buddy Holly drop you off Erik? Were you at a party with The Big Bopper? James Dean? What other dead 50’s icons did you meet last night?

Erik: Are you guys going for a drive?

Me: Erik, what happened to you last night? Where did you go?

Erik: Did you guys already have breakfast or are we eating on the road?

Dave and Toby and I looked at each other. It was clear Erik either didn’t want to talk about what happened to him, or he did not know what happened to him. Of course we were all dying to find out, but all the ribbing and surprise questions we threw at him didn’t shake his resolve to either fess up, or unblock what lay deep in his subconscious. What was clear was that something profound took place at that after hours party and it was not going to be revealed by Erik through anything short of hypnosis.

Across the street from the Caribou Inn was the saddest pet store in the world. Saddest as in, every animal in there had to be as depressed as any animal could be. One look at the exterior (judging a book by its cover), and you would imagine that any animal inside, if given an opposable thumb, would use it first to grasp a tool to break out, and then to extend on the side of the road to hitchhike to a better life. It was incredibly out of place from a marketing point of view. The pet store had as much business being in that town as a Japanese oxygen bar. It was as if a small child designed the town: hotel, post office, general store, pet shop. I didn’t want to walk over there and see what kind of animals were in there. In my mind, I imagined walking down the single isle of the business, lined with cages filled with marmots, misshapen kittens, a three legged dog, maybe a couple crows jammed into a hat box. I pictured a trout in a quart canning jar. I worried that the place would have a 5 gallon bucket filled with writhing garter snakes. It was the kind of place that would sell you “Darwin Fish,” under the guise of guppies that evolved into frogs in a matter of weeks. It seemed like that kind of place.

Dave asked if I wanted to go in and check it out. I told him my misgivings and he took a different approach. He believed that these were the pet stores that had all the illegal stuff that nobody else would dare to sell. He just said, “Fine, you stay here, I’m going to buy a monkey for three dollars.”

After several minutes Dave came back to the Hotel. He said that I had been correct in my assumptions, and the smell was unholy.

We had heard that there was a Wal-Mart in the town of Omak, six miles away. I don’t think I had ever been to one before. So after the band made my sick body scrape the ice off all the windows while they sat inside the warm van, we were off on a Wal-Mart adventure.

As we drove through Okanogan, we got a chance to get a look at the town and where our audience was coming from. Doing a quick calculation of number of homes in the area surveyed and extrapolating out what the population inside this “50 Mile Radius” the bouncers talked about would look like, we were able to come up with some rough census numbers. Then we compared that to the data we collected about our audience at the bar. We were able to determine that over 95% of the townspeople were alcoholics (with a +/- 5% margin of error), and the last night’s performance, statistically, had to be an all-ages show.

The four of us came to a stop at a “T” intersection on the way to, Wal-Mart. (I’m ashamed of that last sentence.) On our side of the street, it was Okanogan in the mid 1990’s. On the opposite side of the street, it was Sicily, just after World War One. I say this, because there was a small elderly woman in an old, but pretty black dress standing ominously next to a sheep on a leash and three chickens in separate cages stacked on top of one another. The band must have all been staring impolitely at this peculiar sight, because she looked up at us, spoke something inaudible in our direction and turned 180 degrees away from us. We were pretty sure she cursed everyone in the van, and we just laughed because there was nothing she could do to us that was worse than having to spend another night in our hotel room.

We made it to Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart is just Wal-Mart. What goes on at Wal-Mart is a waste of our time, and I will not trouble you with the details. Erik bought a Nerf gun, and we got out.

Please remember that the four of us were from rural areas (I think Erik was rural, he certainly has a level head and is decidedly not cosmopolitan) and use to seeing humble surroundings. What WAS out of the ordinary, was the approach to life. The experience was like driving through a foreign country that was either on its way to or from third world status. And the whole town seemed trapped in time. We stopped at a small general store and found toys that were actually collectable from the 1960’s yet sold on the rack as new. There were so many moments like this, I wondered if I was dreaming or perhaps in a coma after taking a randomly thrown beer bottle to the head the night before. I wanted it to end. I cried a little.

We rested up back at the “suite” by napping and shooting an empty Pepsi bottle out of the air with Erik’s new Nerf gun. This was the high point of our trip. Really.

When the Saturday night crowd started rolling in, it looked like the chow line in a Circus mess hall. The kind of Circus that was being investigated for animal cruelty in all 8 southern states it toured in. Many folks from the night before staggered back for more Caribou Inn action. They were easy to spot, as most were wearing the same outfits and sour expressions as they had on 22 hours ago, when they were tackled out the door by security. Still others were new faces with a freshness that said, “Today is the day I begin hating life, everyone else shall feel my pain starting now.” These were the folks that were wearing what I call “fight bait.” Or clothes so stupid looking, or with insulting messages ironed on or spelled in hot pink puff paint, that they draw a comment offensive enough to start a physical conflict. Clothes that say, “Hey world, look at how ridiculously I’m dressed. If I catch you so much as looking at this spectacle I’m putting on, we’re going to fight… possibly to the death.” There were a lot of guys in half-shirts (January). And since my mouth is probably the smartest thing my body has to offer (which would ironically be used to say some very dumb things), I needed to get behind my drums and stay as far away from the people as possible.

I remember it being hard to get to the stage because of how many people were jammed into the room. Please do not read into this as me believing we were so outstanding the night before that word travelled all over the region for everyone to get to the Caribou Inn to see this amazing rock band. None of us had any illusions that the people were there to see us succeed. They were there to make us fail… or eat us. I know this is the second time I made the “joke” about being eaten, but remember, you weren’t there and if you asked any of the band members that night, they would tell you the same unreasonable fear flashed through their minds.

Just as security had explained to us the previous evening, Saturday night was a whole different ballgame. There were even more people, which we didn’t think was possible, let alone within fire code regulations. They WERE more alert and awake than the Friday audience and therefore ready to party much sooner. They told us this by pounding in unison on their tables before we began. Although you’ve seen this happen on film many times, I can tell you that it is quite unnerving. If I was a drinking man, I would have required a shot of liquid courage before going on, however, I counted my blessings of being as sober as always for the sheer fact as I wanted all my senses sharp and my wits about me.

Midway through the second set, the members of the band noticed a couple of women staring at Toby in an unhealthy type of way… unhealthy for Toby. They weren’t together but they were standing close to Toby and staring up at him longingly. He turned to all of us and was visibly concerned as one of the women, a brunette who had to have 12 years on Toby and wasn’t his “type” (Toby’s type being a woman with all her front teeth and an awareness that they are single and not at the Caribou Inn with another man). That’s right, as this woman shouted her confession of love to Toby over the band’s sound system and music, her boyfriend/husband/sugar daddy was ready to break Toby’s pretty face for making her love some attractive boy guitar picker.

It all came to a head when Toby bent down to show the brunette his engagement ring that indicated he was taken and she would have to either stay with the man that drove her to the bar, or try to convince one of the other band members to “vote yes on her bond initiative”, if you get my meaning. This did not go over well with the brunette. She went from wannabe groupie to fully winged harpy in a flash of venom and spite. She screamed at Toby, nothing in particular, just a horror movie scream. And when Toby returned to the mic to sing the song we were in the middle of, the woman attempted to make the two foot high jump up onto the stage. She upset Toby’s mic stand and sent the hard metal microphone capsule into Toby’s lips and teeth, which is unpleasant at best, causing Toby to quickly step back and turn his back for a moment to check for tooth chips and blood on his lips. Meanwhile at the front of the stage, the woman, took control of Toby’s lead vocal microphone and began to spread her scorn filled message to the crown of the Caribou Inn over the band’s sound system.

Paraphrasing, the message was that Toby, the man she was pointing at, enjoys mating with sheep.

She repeated this message, again and again, with a desperate look on her face. The woman’s conviction, that Toby was a notorious molester of lanolin baring livestock was absolute. The audience needed to know this about Toby so something could be done about it. The purpose, of course, was to paint Toby as an undesirable person, and sheep coupling was the straightest line this woman could draw to that goal; because if she couldn’t have him, then nobody could.

By the time Toby had turned around and attempted to take the microphone away from the harpy, Mullet and No Mullet were cutting a swath through the crowd, making their way to the bandstand. Mullet made it to the stage first and wrapped his arms around the woman’s body from behind, the woman’s back was facing the audience as she screamed her disgustingly comical message directly at Toby. She was quickly and easily removed from the stage, along with the microphone, microphone stand and microphone cable. The microphone cable ran down to the front of the stage where it was duct taped to the floor, along with the other microphone, instrument and speaker cables. As Mullet got farther away with the offending woman, most of our cables were being pulled up and off the stage. All of our microphone stands were jerked away from us by the cables they were attached to. At one point, Mullet’s progress was impeded and he must have believed she was struggling against him and he gave a mighty heave, pulling just enough of our cables out of sockets to prevent the show from continuing. No Mullet, who was holding the woman’s insignificant other at bay, saw what had happened just beyond the nick of time and signaled to Mullet to STOP! Mullet dropped the woman and returned the microphone and stand to the stage. He was genuinely sorry when he gave the microphone set back to Toby. Toby was genuinely thankful to Mullet for coming to his rescue. We took a short break to get the sound back in order, played a few songs and took the long break we were due.

Toby and Erik stayed behind to double check the sound system. Dave and I retreated to the only other place where there were no people, our “suite”. We grabbed a couple bottles of water and flipped on the cartoon network in the room to try and make a mental escape for ten minutes or so. We had barely sat down, when someone pushed our knob-free door open and stood blocking the door.

Dave and I looked at each other with disappointed exasperation. Could we not take a few minutes away from the mustard gas filled, violent freak-fest environment to breathe air that was only 78% polluted? Now this stranger literally darkened our doorway with a drink and lit cigarette in hand, swaying slightly as his eyes focused on Dave and me out of synchronization. He wore a bolo tie around the neck hole of his un-pressed button up (for those of you unfamiliar with the bolo style tie, it is a decorative neck fastening that instead of incorporating a lovely traditional arrow of silk fabric tied neatly around and under the collar of a dress shirt, utilizes what amounts to a shoestring and a shiny rock to attempt the same purpose. You can get a VERY nice one for about $15. This man’s was mid-grade). Now, using the bolo tie as your reference point, dress the man as you would probably imagine. Add a few cigarette burns and a nefarious mustache.

Neither of us made any sudden movements, as is advised when faced with a dangerous wild animal. Dave and I sat still as we exchanged silent eye contact with the stranger (danger) and Dave spoke first.

(This conversation was condensed for the purpose of time and sanity.)

Dave: Caaaaaaan we help you?

Man: I just, wantyoubothtoknow, (blinks) nothing has been signed yet.

Dave and I looked at each other quickly and puzzled. I tried to remember what was within grabbing distance from me to defend us in case Mr. Rummy McCrazipants decided to make a sudden move. The lamp was too far away, the Nerf gun would be ineffective, the sleeping bag was too soft and I wasn’t going to touch the chicken skeleton under the bed. But after a couple gentle sways of his drunken form, I figured even with just Dave and I in the room, the SIX of us HE was seeing probably made him feel outnumbered. The silence lingered for a moment before I began probing for more.

Steve: Well, that is a relief, wouldn’t you say, Dave?

Dave: Yes, my lawyer isn’t available at this time.

Steve: So… who are you sir? (I said as unthreateningly as possible.)

Man: I have a door. You can choose to walk through it together…or separately, but now is the time.

Dave: Does this door that you speak of have a lock, because I can’t think of a time when I would want anything more than a door that locks.

Man: I have a dooruv opportunity for you both to walk through.

Steve: OH! One of those kind of doors!

Man: Yesss, one of those kind. Nothing has been signed yet.

Dave: Okay, and what would we be signing?

Man: I have a door to stardom. You n’your band are goin’ to be verrrrryrich. But… aReyou ready to walk THROUGH that door?

If only we had one ounce of drinkable alcohol, we could have offered it to the “gentleman,” he probably would have passed out or died. However, he was violating laws of thermal dynamics, just being as drunk as he was holding a lit cigarette and not bursting into flames. The only logical explanation could be that this man was in fact, the Devil.

Dave: Are you with a record label? (Dave asked, knowing full well that this man was NOT Atlantic’s hottest A&R representative).

Man: You know… … … YoU know, you boys have alodda talent. I’ve been watchin’ your show, and you need to …tighten it upabit, but, you know, yer a good band. I might bein a position to make youguys alllllllodda money. I have…

Dave: You have a door?

Man: (Winks and points at Dave with a finger pistol and made a clicking noise with his tongue) You got it. Now are you going to walk through it together…or by yourselves.

Steve: So are record companies interested in cover bands now? I thought they were only interested in original artists.

Man: I do music. I used to do music. Business with music. I had housesncars and mansions and boats. But I don’t want to get into that right now. Lesson One: Always tape your stuff down. Did you see that lady trip off the stageonyer cords and wires?

Dave: She didn’t trip, she pulled the cables up when she was dragged off the stage.

Man: My point is that none of that would have happened if yourgear wuztaped to the ground, and not with scotch tape.

Steve: We used heavy duct tape to secure the cables on the stage. We always secure our gear.

Man: That’s right. You gotta start doin’ that or you’re going to have accidents like tonight happen all the time. You got alloda talent… don’t wanna see it wasted when an accident ruins yer life do ya?

Dave: …

Steve: …

Man: I had better get back downstairs, the band is starting to play again. Have youguys heard the band? They’re pretty good… I’m going to make them famous. I’ve got a door fer them, to open and walk through… nothing is signed yet though.

The man then staggered back down stairs, leaving half of the band he was currently listening to in a horrendous hotel room behind him.

Dave: We could leave, right now and go home. Toby and Erik could ride back with Mardi and Walter.

Steve: We’ll just say I got sicker and you had to drive me to the hospital in Ellensburg. I’m totally with you.

Dave: We would probably lose our instruments…

Steve: I’m actually fine with that. After yesterday and tonight, I don’t think I’ll need my drums anymore.

Dave: Get your stuff.

After realizing I had taken all of my valuables down to the stage for safe keeping from the hotel room doors didn’t have knobs or locks… (just ramming that point home), there was no way we could have made our escape without going down to the stage to get my keys and wallet, hidden safely under a sweaty towel in my gear bag. Even if we did have the guts to just up and leave Okanogan two hours before our obligation was completed, we couldn’t do it. Ironically, the crappiness of Okanogan actually prevented us from leaving Okanogan.

Realizing, there was NO WAY we were getting out of here without playing the rest of the show, Dave and I headed back to the stage to see just what would happen next. We were/were not disappointed.

There’s a saying many bands use when playing at a beer joint: The more you drink, the better we sound. Okanogan once again, was there to prove us wrong. With as much as they were drinking, we should have sounded like The Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing the Beatles through a Bose sound system, mixed by Rick Rubin. But instead, the better we sounded, the drunker they got, and the drunker they got, the angrier they became. The action was therefore taken up a notch.

Think of all the bar room brawl clichés you’ve ever seen. We saw many of them that night. We the standard fighting between two guys where the guys have their hands around each other’s necks. We saw the old broken bottle as a weapon thing. We saw the woman dragged off a man, slapping and kicking him. Saw a table turned over at the beginning of a fight. A chair was picked up and thrown at someone. All of these were separate instances. It was a cornucopia of bad decisions played out on the dance floor. However, all of these skirmishes were just undercard fights for the Main Event.

After the third forced encore (we tried to end the show a little early), it was finally time to end the show. As rough of a crowd as they were, toward the end they were really cheering us on and having a good time. But too little, too late Okanogan! Which, in hindsight, is exactly what should have been our sign-off on the sound system, instead of, “Can Erik have his hat back?”

I was worn out. I just wanted to pack my drums up and go. And why not? The van was parked right out in front of the place; best parking spot at the Caribou Inn. But I felt like I only had enough energy to make it out of the ballroom that was full of smoke and hatred, to the lobby, where some cleaner air would be circulating. I sat down in the lone easy chair in the far back corner of the lobby and watched the crowd filter out as I took puff after puff on my asthma inhaler. I must have looked as most of them did, sweaty, tired and completely devoid of hope.

No Mullet dragged a man, unable to stand to the middle of the Lobby floor and made him, “Shut your mouth and stand still!” The man mumbled a little but straightened right up when the tiny owner of the place came out and told the intoxicated man in no uncertain terms that he was never to come back again to the Caribou Inn.

The man hit his knees immediately (and still was only at eye level to the top of her blonde afro), and began to beg and plead to be able to come back. He promised he would stay away for a week and never cause any trouble again. Tears streamed down the man’s face as the owner again told him “no”. He wailed and had to be drug out of the building by both No Mullet and Mullet. They had barely returned when the lobby started to churn with trouble.

In professional wrestling, there is a style of contest known as a “Lumberjack Match.” It’s when 10 or more wrestlers start in the ring for an every-man-for-himself battle royal. The object of a lumberjack match is to throw your opponents out of the ring and to not be thrown out yourself. Very exciting, very violent, and very much what was about to happen at the Caribou Inn.

A group of six to eight small men came out of the bar brawling with each other. I say there were six to eight because they were extremely difficult to count. They were all about five feet tall, 135 pounds and looked nearly identical in every way and they moved around too much for me to get a solid number.

But when I say brawling, it was only because that was what they appeared to be doing. No damage was really being done because they were all moving like the fight was taking place in Jell-O…nicotine colored and flavored Jell-O. They were moving so slowly, you would have thought they were blocking a fight scene at one-quarter speed to rehears how the real fight was going to go down next week. Punches landed on faces with the force of a refrigerator door closing under its own speed, they wrestled to the ground like they were trying to fit too many items in a suitcase. The fight was not dangerous, yet when the blows landed, they people being hit acted as if they were thrown at full speed.

They would break apart and stand in a large circle and then pick an opponent across from them, yell something in mumble-drunken speak, and then charge slowly into the circle and accidently fight someone else. It resembled at times, one of the better square dances I’ve been too.

This big “fight” was so slow and poorly executed, that I, even in my exhausted asthmatic state, could have stood in the center and dropped every single one of them looking like Bruce Lee doing it, if you filmed it at regular speed and them watched it on fast forward.

Mullet and No Mullet each picked up several of the combatants after they had all ended up in a dog-pile on the floor and carried them out the door in almost one trip. I watched from the chair as Mullet took one slap to the face too many from one of the little men as he stepped off the curb in front of the Caribou Inn. Mullet pulled the man off of his shoulder and spun him around by the collar, slamming him into the side of my parent’s van.

I bolted out of my chair and flew across the lobby past the staggering throng of booze zombies. As Mullet doubled down on the little man six inches off the ground against the van my parents trusted me to bring back in one piece, I threw the Caribou’s lobby door open with the sign taped to it asking me to “Please use the other door ß.” I had lost my cool and roared with the last remaining pieces of by horse voice, “GET HIM OFF MY VAN!”

Mullet looked at me puzzled. He was clearly about to push the little aggressive jerk through the panel window of the family truckster, but caught the rage on my face, looked at the van and pulled the ejected patron off of the Van. Mullet gave me a look of, “oops, I’m sorry about that dude, won’t happen again,” and with that, threw the man across the street and into a snow bank. The offending bar customer actually flew from the parking stalls to the other curb. Mullet walked up to me and clamped one of his big mitts on my shoulder and told me he was sorry about roughing up my van. When a man like Mullet apologizes to you, you accept that apology… and maybe apologize to him for something in return.

The owner asked Dave, what I was yelling about as they watched out the window. Dave explained to her that the bouncer had a guy up against my parent’s van and that I wanted to ensure that van made it back intact. She looked at Dave as if it was all my fault, “Why the hell did he park the van out front? That’s the worst parking space in town.” To which the correct response would have been, ”Yeah, and it’s in front of YOUR bar lady.” But seeing as how we hadn’t been paid yet, Dave just wisely shrugged his answer back to her.

At that point I just went up to the wretched hotel suite to fall asleep as quickly as possible. The reason wasn’t so much that I was exhausted (which I was), but to time-travel to Sunday morning when we could load up and race out of town as quickly as possible, which we did.

The ride home was uneventful. We had played the gig, been paid, and miraculously not incurred any extra holes in our bodies, gunshot, knife or otherwise. Only the mystery of Erik’s Friday night remained, but questions about that night died out as we broke several speeding laws getting away from where we had been. Only time would tell if any of us would fall victim to dysentery as would NOT have been a surprise. We all rode home quietly, as I took inventory of what clothes of mine had actually touched surfaces in the hotel room that still haunts my dreams, and therefore must be burned.

Okanogan, the place that showed me the baseline of what I will accept in rented overnight accommodations. Okanogan is the town where time stands still, and the fights are even slower. The place we would never return to even if offered quadruple our asking price. If you have taken anything away from these three entries, let it be this: Never go to Okanogan.

If I have to pass through Okanogan to get to Heaven, I’ll take my chances in Hell…

…and that’s the Damm truth.

Okanogan Part 2

Part 2 of the worst gig I ever played.

There were four of us that had made the trip to Okanogan in the van my parents had foolishly lent me. Six if you counted Toby’s mother Mardi, who sang with us regularly and made the trip up separately with her husband, Walter. We were about to play two nights at the most happening joint in a fifty mile radius (allegedly). Unfortunately, all the money that came into said happening joint did not appear to have made it past the ground floor. More unfortunately was that our rooms were not in the “money zone.”

Our rooms were the kind of rooms you would expect to see Anthony Perkins dressed in a wig and his mother’s clothes hiding in the shower, but you would be mistaken. Although incredibly heinous murders frequently took place in the fictional Bates Motel, I’m pretty sure the Bates’ rooms had things like, soap, door knobs and acceptable health code practices. Norman Bates would have run screaming from these rooms; he may have been a killer, but his modest motel was tidy.

Please understand, I do not wish to keep coming back to the rooms. There’s so much more to this story than just how bad the rooms were. It’s just that, I’m not a good enough writer to explain to you, the reader, how absolutely awful these suites were. I kept asking the guys if they were SURE they were up to date on their tetanus shots.

As we made our way to the lobby…

Did I mention that the windows in the room had long spider-web cracks in them, some of which were thoughtfully Scotch taped to avoid further breakage? Alright, alright, I’m sorry.

As we made our way to the lobby, we heard someone ask a woman at the front desk if she was the owner and she had replied that she was. We decided to walk down and introduce ourselves as the band and glean any details that might have been glossed over by Full Ride, the band that had graciously passed this gig along to us.

The owner was a little person. Not a “little person” little person, but she was not tall and not heavy. A dwarf? I don’t know. She was tiny, but not… she was very small, and had a well-kept blonde loose curl afro the size of a beach ball. We politely introduced ourselves as the band and she looked at us as if she didn’t think we were up to the challenge. Like, she sent for the Army and what she got were some Cub Scouts. It was clear to us that this woman would accept no crapola from ANYONE, and was not to be messed with or crossed. I didn’t take offense to this as I saw in her face not disappointment that we were going to be bad musicians, but that we might not be up to the task of playing her bar. The other guys got this sense too and we all assured her that we came to play and we meant business. She still eyed us suspiciously, like one would survey a creaky rope bridge over a ravine. She then advised us to get some dinner at the restaurant and make sure security knew who we were… for some reason. Security?

We went in and did our sound check and did indeed meet security. Two brawny men in T-shirts with the sleeves strategically cut off (for maximum ventilation),introduced themselves with their names but I knew them as Mullet and No Mullet. I was surprised that they had wireless headset walkie-talkies like I had only seen special operations military types use in the movies (equipment that outdated every other machine in the Caribou Inn by ten years). They were nice guys that assured us that no matter what, we would be safe and they would make sure nothing happened to us. They told us the place fills up quick on the weekend and it gets ugly fast. They said it was the only place around that had liquor, music and entertainment, and that most of the people have a lot of steam to blow off from their lousy collective weeks. We thought the headsets were a little unnecessary. We were incorrect, and we figured we were when they sincerely apologized for not having chicken wire up in front of the stage to shield us.

We had a pleasant dinner. The food and the restaurant were quite good. No complaints. The food was part of our payment and although it wasn’t fancy, it was hearty and delicious. We were seated near the bar, where we enjoyed some of the local characters swapping stories of drunken indiscretions that bordered on the supernatural.

Drunk 1: O…kay, so, we were up at the creek.

Drunk 2: Which creek?

Drunk 1: Not Witch Creek, the creek I, took Tom to fish at last,, year.

Drunk 2: I didn’t say Witch Creek… I said, “WHICH CREEK?”

Drunk 1: No, it’s the other side of the canyon… Course, we were drunk at the time.

Drunk 2: When?

Drunk 1: Then.

Drunk 3: You’re actually pretty drunk now too.

Drunk 1: No, I was drunk then, with Bill…Tom, who was with me.

Drunk 2: Bill was with you.

Drunk 1: Tom was with me, and Bill stayed home. He’ll tell you we … wait, was I telling you the creek story?

Drunk 3: Did you say Tom was a witch?


We took the stage at 9pm. For those of you not familiar with how a cover band works, they typically start around nine and play until the bar closes at 1:30am or so. You get a ten to fifteen minute break from playing about every 50 minutes to an hour or so. We call it playing, and it is fun, but it is also hard work. As a drummer, I’m told that I expel the same amount of physical energy as a professional basketball, football or soccer player. I would believe that is a fair assessment. But this night, I was sick with a throat infection. I had to sing lead and backup in a room that was so thick with tobacco smoke, you would have thought that a plantation had caught on fire. Tonight, purely from a physical point of view, was going to be one of the toughest gigs I had ever played.

I climbed behind the drum set and heard the pop of the amplifiers come alive. Toby called out our first song, a Garth Brooks tune that was sure to please the crowd in Okanogan. Nope. I heard the groans and the booing before I even peered out to see what the audience looked like. Lights were shining down on us on the stage and it takes a while for your eyes to adjust to being able to see into the audience. There were more people in that giant ballroom than I’d ever seen at one of our gigs. The place was packed to the gills. There must have been close to 150 to 200 people out there, and they did not care for our song selection. At. All.

After speeding through the first tune, we made a friendly plea to the audience and asked them for what they wanted to hear. Doom, utter doom, loomed over us as we gave them permission to call out what they wanted to hear. To keep it simple, we had half the bar wanting Slayer, Megadeath, or some other metal bands I had never even heard of. The other side of the bar sure didn’t want to hear any bubble gum pop music like the Garth Brooks we just played. They preferred Country music and they were prepared to angrily scream, both musical camps, until they heard what they wanted. The crowd got out of hand very quickly.

There’s this joke that you can use to diffuse the situation when someone heckles you. It is designed to turn the tables on the yelling audience member and embarrass them to get the crowd back on YOUR side. It goes like this:

Audience Member: You Suck!

You: Now sir, let’s quiet down, I don’t come to your place of work and knock the broom out of your hand, spit on the toilet you’re trying to clean, push the wrong happy meal combo button on your touch screen…etc.

Or if you want to go for the jugular, the joke infers the audience member is a prostitute. Typically the joke happens, tables turn, audience member shuts up.

We couldn’t do that here. For one thing, there were too many of them. The other thing was that anything we thought up had a better than average chance of hitting too close to home for some of these folks. The joke would cease to be absurd, which therefore would be too literal and mean. That’s not only impolite, but would have probably got us cut, shot or very badly beaten. And all the mullets and headset walkie-talkies in the world wouldn’t be able to save us from THIS crowd.

I looked to the back of the bar at Mullet for some kind of guidance. He just gave me the thumbs up, nodded and brushed his fingers at us to just keep going like everything would be okay.

We just started running our song list, and as the alcohol started lubricating the anger and distaste in the minds of our audience, the booing gave way to cheers and applause. But the trouble wasn’t over yet.

Normally, when a fight breaks out at a bar here in Seattle, the place shuts down for a while. Everything stops, people stare, the music grinds to a halt, grief counselors are brought in, its a big darn deal. But in Okanogan, an altercation broke out every ten minutes or so, with people being ejected from the bar each time. But new people would come in and THEY would start to get pushy. It was then that we saw the value of the wireless headset radios.

At one point, I looked over to the left of the stage to see a very large woman reach across her table and without standing up, lift another woman almost completely over her head, swivel 90 degrees to her left and begin to slam the woman in her clutches repeatedly into a fire exit door. The door was blocked shut by several feet of snow that had been plowed against the building outside, but that did not deter the woman doing the slamming. Again, without standing, the sitting woman used the other woman as a battering ram to finally open the door enough to push her body completely out the door, kicking and screaming. The woman then pulled the fire exit shut, put her cigar back in her mouth and continued listening to the rest of the conversation at her table as if nothing had happened. Part of me was appalled at seeing such a violent act of inhumanity displayed from one person to another. Yet a different part of me was relieved that the exit door I had been eyeing as my escape route was now cleared to be open. Mullet and No Mullet didn’t even bother to step in and investigate. I guess they figured if the woman didn’t even stand up, it wasn’t worth the bother walking over there. Plus, I think that lady could have taken them.

Security was big, but respectful. They handled themselves professionally and methodically. Even when they were slapped, pushed, yelled at, spit on, spilled on and probably bitten, they didn’t get angry, they just kept calm, picked up the offending party or parties and casually walked them out the door. Coordinating expertly on their headset mics, they could work their way around the crowd and warn one another of any danger of being hit with a bottle or thrown up on.

The first ten minute break, I think we all stayed on the stage instead of our usual mingling with the crowd. Today, you could look any of us in the face and ask us why we stayed on the stage for that first break and we would all answer the same way. We were terrified. Any sane person would have been. That first set, although ending well, with lots of dancers still drew several looks from audience members that we had never seen before. One person stared all of us down individually and pulled his finger around his neck, slowly; which meant, he either wanted to slit our throats, OR measure each of us for a dress shirt collar size.

Buddy Holly was there. Not the spirit of the band leader of the Crickets, who famously died in an airplane crash with The Big Bopper and Richie Vallens, but the actual Buddy Holly, frozen in time, alive and thriving in Okanogan, Washington in the mid 1990’s. Historian’s will be interested in knowing that Buddy, in horn-rimmed glasses and the Pomade raven black signature haircut was now living as a woman in the North Central Washington town. OR… There was a woman in her twenty’s that looked exactly like Buddy Holly the day before the music died. Either way, she got the band’s attention and seemed to be enjoying herself to our song selection, none of which were tunes penned by Holly. Dave, my friend from pre-school on up was the rhythm guitar player of Longshot and the heart and soul of the band, looked at “Buddy” and then to me and asked if I would go score an autograph . I declined, but every time she came into view on the dance floor, Dave would catch my eye and give me a look like THE Buddy Holly had just walked in. The joke did not get old.

As the night came to a close, the bar began to filter people outside. I just sat behind the drums utterly pooped. My sore throat had survived singing through the smokiest night I’ve probably ever played, but it felt worse. I wondered if I could even make it through another night of this. Normally I would immediately go strip off my sweat soaked clothes (I work hard back there) and hop into a nice hot shower to rinse clean the film or grime that accompanies such a night of drumming in the honkiest of honky tonks. However, facing the prospect of a hotel room that a Zagat’s guide would undoubtedly review with the words” BURN IT”; I wondered if my parents had any wet-nap packets outside in the van’s glove box.

As I was realizing there was no hope of an EPA approved shower, we watched as our brand new bass player, Erik, was invited to an afterhours party at a local’s house. He accepted. The rest of us thought he was out of his mind, but in hindsight Erik had simply found a way out of our hotel room predicament. The group, including Buddy Holly, whisked him away and he was GONE. With no idea where to and when or IF he would be back, we honestly worried for his safety.

I climbed off the bandstand and Mullet walked up to us and told us we did great job. We asked if it was always this rowdy and he said no. No Mullet chimed in and said Friday night is always the slow night, because not everyone comes out after working hard all week. He said it would really pick up the next night. It’s like they had planned to tell us this way. We congratulated them on keeping the peace and trudged up the terrible stairs to our certainly terrible night of sleeping.

I took one look back at the still illuminated stage with all of our instruments set-up and ready to play the next night, the “rowdier” night, and couldn’t help but think of another band miles away. Full Ride was leaving the stage somewhere at the exact same instant (as per Washington State Law). I imagined the leader of the band was thinking of us, and beginning to giggle and share an enormous laugh with the rest of his band mates about what he had done to their rival band.

I plotted my revenge, but first, sleep… terrible, awful sleep.

To be concluded in Okanogan Part 3, The Final Chapter.